Template:Personal shops

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Certificates to place Personal shops (player-owned shops) may be purchased by citizens and non-citizens from Economic nodes.[2][3][4]

  • When a character creates player shop a billboard pops up above them with a custom advertisement message for items or services available on that character's person. Purchasers can interact directly with the character to purchase these items or services.[5]

A player shop is where you have a certificate to essentially create a shop with your character and a little billboard will pop up above you as you sit down for that shop and advertise a custom message that you want say that has to sell things and/or services that are on your person. So players can then come up to you and they can interact with you. So you reside yourself to that shop.[5]Steven Sharif

Player stalls, personal shops, and auction houses enable buying from and selling to other players.[6]

Player stalls Personal shops Auction houses
Player presence
  • An attendant NPC is assigned to the stall. Character does not need to be online or at the stall.[15][8][9]
  • Player must be online and present at the shop.[15][9]
  • Players may be killed while occupying their personal shop and are subject to material loss due to normal death penalties.[16]