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Summoning mounts

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Summoning a mount in Alpha-1.[1]

We want to make sure that it's not cumbersome to quickly mount a steed and start moving... Steeds play a very important role in mobility.[1]Steven Sharif

Mounts are items that players carry then activate to summon the mount nearby.[2]

  • Mounts are generally able to be summoned during combat in the open-world.[3]
    • There may be exceptions to this in certain dungeons, instances or other spaces where summoning mounts may not be permitted.[3]

A mount can be an initiation vehicle; it can be an escape vehicle; it can be utility vehicle; it can be traversal.[3]Steven Sharif

Mounts are going to be items that you will be able to carry on your character and activate to summon the mount in front of you or near you; where you can then ride the mount.[2]Steven Sharif

  • A player can dismount and have their mount follow them.[5][6]
    • In current Alpha-1 testing mounts are not separate from the player, but in future mounts will be.[5]

Right now we don't have it where the mount is separate from the player per-se. You automatically mount the mount when you summon it in the in the alpha. But in the future you'll be able to summon it and you won't have to automatically mount it. It'll just be standing next to you. It'll follow you around and then you'll be able to mount it.[5]Steven Sharif

  • De-summoning the mount returns the item back to the player's inventory.[4]


Alpha-1 early example of the first tier of animal husbandry stables on a freehold plot.[7]

Players will be able to place the animals they are trying to focus on from a Husbandry perspective within the stable area and then over the course of time are going to be able to yield some type of results out of those parings.[7]Steven Sharif

Stables in Ashes of Creation refer to:

  • A system that stores active mounts in slots that can be used local to the stable.[8]
The active mounts are determined based on you having that active mount as part of a slot within the stable that you're within the area of. And what that means is that mounts are relevant in battle; and if you lose your mount in battle it is a detriment. There are ways for you to bring that mount back. There are active potions that you can have available to you to do fast resurrections to reduce that cooldown potentially; and you can also interface with the stable itself if you want to swap that mount out with a different mount.[8]Steven Sharif
Q: Will you be able to keep your mounts that you've unlocked on your freeholds plot to move freely about as they please like in a stable or in a little fenced area?
A: There are a number of different types of ways that creatures can be acquired: some of them in a mount format; and can be utilized in animal husbandry/livestock placements on the freehold. But from a cosmetic perspective, we don't quite have a system in place for that yet. I'm not going to rule that out for the future of post-launch, but right now it's delegated specifically to hunting, taming, livestock, and animal husbandry.[9]Steven Sharif

See also
