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Verdant Voyager

Revision as of 19:06, 8 July 2020 by Lex (talk | contribs) (Created)

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Verdant Voyager was a caravan cosmetic skin in a pre-order pack.[1]

A journey into the marshes is never an easy task, and requires an appropriate transport to ensure safe passage. To this end, a reliable design has been brought to the fore - a sledded dory that can cut through the dense mud and foliage that makes up the great portion of the swamp floor. The wood is as rugged and sturdy as the day it was built, despite the moss and fungus that dots its sides. A singularly massive crocodilian beast hauls the entire carriage forward, trudging tirelessly and swiftly through the murky land.[1]

Bundled in

Cosmetic store

Ashes of Creation cosmetic store.[2]

There is going to be legendary cosmetics that can be earned and achieved in the game through the game systems, but that's going to take a significant amount of effort and work; and those cosmetics are going to be on-par with the cosmetics offered in the marketplace... What that does is it provides additional revenue to the company so that we can continue to fund the development of content as well and bridge the divide that not having a box cost would have and not having any pay-to-win mechanics whatsoever.[3]Steven Sharif

The Cosmetic store enables players to purchase Cosmetics for use in Ashes of Creation.[4] The cosmetic store offers limited time, limited quantity items to help sustain game development.[5]

  • Equitable cosmetics, both from a quantity and quality standpoint, are achievable through in-game means.[5]
  • Nothing in the cosmetic store will be pay to win.[6]

Nothing in our shop will ever be pay to win as we believe this practice greatly hurts the MMORPG genre.[6]

  • Cash shop cosmetics will offer a diverse selection of unique looks.[7]

I want to incentivize purchase in the cosmetic shop for sustainability of what expansions we have intended, since we are not a box cost. I want to incentivize purchase by offering limited items: limited time, limited quantity, so you have confidence that when you purchase them, they won't be offered later on in some other way.[5]Steven Sharif

  • All cosmetic store items will be non-tradeable.[8] There will be no gifting mechanism for cosmetic items.[9]

I don't want cosmetic items that can be purchased from the market to be transferable... because it is in a way a transfer of money for potentially something in-game.[9]Steven Sharif

See also
