Talk:2022-01-28 Livestream

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[Music] hello everyone hello salutations and welcome to our glorious Ashes of Creation january development update it is already 20 22 and it's the end of january how are you feeling about that stephen oh man i can't believe it's 20 22 and the end of january yeah that's kind of crazy it definitely ran by real quick i feel like i blinked in the the month went by for some reason although to be fair november and december when we had our live streams they were like at odd dates right yeah like earlier in the months and i kept feeling as because i'm used to like our live streams being at the end of the month and when the live stream came like middle of the month i was like whoa this is kind of weird so at least now we're back to the at the end of the month we are creatures of habits so when stuff changes we're like what is happening um but yeah we should be back to normal we we normally try to go for the last friday of every month but you know things change uh especially with holidays and stuff like that we want to be accommodating for our staff and making sure that we're we're not you know keeping people during the holidays you know we want them to have a nice time with their families so we'll get right into it um today uh obviously don't forget if you are watching us on here on twitch we also upload these to youtube so uh definitely subscribe over there and if you're watching this on youtube i see the analytics y'all be watching but you're not subscribed hit that subscribe button we're gonna be having some cool things for our subscribers over there too so uh you don't miss out on any other videos that we have go live um beyond that we also will be going over reminders our studio update our design update environment art update and our character update will be kind of the big focus for today i know often we do our focus on like design elements but today will be characters and if you've been following us on social media or hanging out in our discord you might have got a little teaser of what will be coming but we are going to be showing off not just one new model but we are going to reveal some stuff for something that you've never seen for one of the models that you've never seen and then we're also going to be showing new models for things that you have not seen as well so it has actually going to be a lot more content than you're probably expecting not just one many not just one not just one more i tricked you also our social media manager peter he is so funny he like used uh you know one of our humans as like the the thing so i saw that as the silhouette and so everyone was basing their guesses off of the silhouette image yeah that was good yeah and then like i saw some youtubers that were like it could be an orc but it's skinnier and i was just like laughing so hard i'm like look what you did peter even when he sent me the jira back and i was like aren't people going to get a little confused they're not going to yeah that was that's my plan that was some big brain evilness 100


but anyways we'll get right into reminders we have not so many today unlike previous months um so i won't talk your ear off too much but of course we do have our um monthly cosmetics being swapped over the through the lens cosmetics we'll be swapping over on february 9th 2022 at 11am pacific you can check that out over on our shop they're very cool looking and we also have our dev discussion our dev discussion on griefing so definitely go over there hop in we asked you what do you consider acceptable behavior in an mmo or pvp based situation and where do you draw the line at griefing and you guys provided a lot of great feedback you can still pop in there toss some more feedback in but we have kind of consolidated some of that and sent it over to the design team and we will be doing our next one on rng so if rng is interesting to you and you have thoughts bring them so just be clear did i see a um owl raptor griffin mount yeah well i'm not griffin but owl raptor yes he looks like a mixture between an al griffin mount raptor it is a uh it's kind of using our raptor model so for people who are always asking us you know does this make us have more time or like a little feather hands yeah these actually allow us to design stuff a lot faster and create things a lot faster because we're using base models of things that we've already we have that we wanted i like its little tiara too yeah it has um armor like barding oh yeah very cool yeah it is very very different my favorite is uh actually the freehold crystal the crystal fox thing uh the crystal the crystal cat is really cute but um the freehold actually the building is real oh yeah that's pretty cool too are those floating uh no they are attached but i guess they are kind of like extended off that'd be cool if they were on like little tiny you know mage discs that floated around the building that would be cool that's a whole nother level maybe not for a cosmetic item but maybe for in-game achievables oh yeah i like that that's not a bad idea yeah um and last but not least uh because we always get uh ask questions about it as well we do have our content creator program available for you to apply we are not uh taking going through the applications quite yet but we still have the applications available when we close applications we'll let you guys know and then we'll start going through those and sending out emails gonna be exciting times there's a lot of you so we appreciate all of the excitement so much that i'm like steven give me another person who can manage that program it's a lot of it's a lot of people you guys are really excited and we're excited we want to support you and have a program that is unlike any program that you've had at other you know companies or studios so with that um you know we always try to give you that that triple a experience um with our small team um of course

Studio Update

we're gonna head on over to the studio update and stephen what do you got for us you're not in the studio today no i i mean i will be right after the show but i had some calls this morning and i was kept trying to like get off the calls and then i i didn't and it was like two minutes before the show and i jumped up you're like stephen where were you we're about to go live cause like i'm about to add five more minutes out of the clock and people are gonna get their bingo card the community made like a little bingo card of things it's pretty funny no i'm sorry um studio studio update's great things are going very good in the start of this new year we did um uh some awesome hiring this month i think we hired six actually six additional new people in january uh very excited for those individuals to join the team um they're incredibly talented a lot of seniors in that group um so that's fun we're going to be kicking off some more hiring endeavors as we start this new year we have a lot of aggressive goals from uh growth perspective for the company and pretty excited to see that to come over the next few months additionally uh the teams have been hard at work uh at the start of this new year with the migration over to ue5 we officially now have the entire studio team moving on monday live as of monday that's right yes as of monday so that was very excited of course the engineering team led the charge on that over the over the last few months uh getting the code base moved over to ue5 and working out the the bugs and kinks as part of that process so very very proud of them and their hard work um additionally we have um we've made some adjustments actually to our to our project management structure with with the introduction of um some new individuals who particularly jacob on the production side um our our sprints to um to more a more story point based system which has been kind of exciting for the teams at the studio to to switch over to we i expect good things to come from that and for people who don't understand what a story based uh a system is it basically uses like the fibonacci sequence and um kind of breaks down tasks instead of them being like specifically like i'm gonna do this in one hour it's like it gives you a little bit more leeway sure it's it's more indicative of the complexity of a particular task rather than a one-to-one on time that gives us great tracking the ability to be more predictive as part of our future looking road maps internally and we're pretty excited about that uh process a little bit more granular in that sense um so things are going pretty good at the studio a great start to the new year uh pretty excited for what this year has in store for us and this january was a nice kickoff for that yeah so we're rock and rolling for those of you who i know you always ask about a studio tour and things like that we are still waiting on a few pieces of furniture and also what i like to call the beautification of the office basically making it not look like an office you know giving it our our own little intrepid flair and adding some more art and plants and making it cozy so we're going to be making those changes over the next few months and then when we're ready we will start doing some videos of course yeah we're pretty close you guys have been seeing some sneak peeks that margaret's been giving as part of our uh as part of the studio maybe some insights into the cafeteria area the lounge area the the uh the foyer with the christmas trees and the pumpkin patch uh thing we've had now what four potlucks so far uh i think in the studio since it's only about every i think it has only been four but it's been it's been fun i missed those over the last year and a half we just had one this wednesday we were supposed to have it last friday but uh yeah we had to move stuff around but it was good it was good it was very good i honestly am like maybe we just uh open up a restaurant because everyone's so good at cooking i know this time you don't have to smell the because normally it's on livestream day and steven's like smelling the food and being like all right i know we have a lot of talented chefs at intrepid they uh they moonlight as chefs outside of their normal development jobs i feel like they do there's some good ones or baking um but yeah so you know we try to make sure that we're doing lots of cool stuff for our studio um and you know we also have kind of set up these little committees um where we're gonna be doing game nights and lots of fun stuff as a company as well um so that's going to be exciting too um especially because a lot of us have kind of moved from all over the place oh yeah but having you know more friendship time is good too queen blossom asks queen blossom asks what kind of foods well i know i don't i didn't have too much of this last live stream but i know john my husband's live stream i heard last sorry unless uh what what is it called you're eating the spotlight less potluck but john made his banana pudding and his shepherd's pie and his little sausage dip and i tried my hardest the morning he was taking it in for the potluck to like uh snatch it up and just like put it in the refrigerator but that didn't work you're trying to steal it well it's just smelled so good and i hadn't eaten anything yet that morning and i was like do we have to take all three maybe leave one here for us everyone really liked it so um yeah lots of tasty goodness um but the studio is going well like steven said we've got a lot of cool stuff happening and we're excited yeah and hiring is continuing

Design & Engineering Update

absolutely so moving on from there let's talk about design stuff this is where there's a lot happening uh design and engineering are doing so much so yeah that was too funny i've got to tell you actually it's been um you know i've spoken about this last few live streams that a lot of these discussions after we came out of alpha one on on reiterating over some of the systems uh and designs around those systems um has been a a great time i mean we have of course our large design discussions that we hold in our conference rooms and it definitely gets lively a lot of passionate voices around some of these ideas um but uh you know yesterday just as a as an example we were talking a lot about um kind of the the management of the economic systems within the world and how they relate to nodes participating in those economic systems whether or not they get to exert pressures over certain material markets you know what the those material markets look like from a mayorship perspective do i have to account for you know a number of of resources that i am keeping track of versus you know those trade relationships with nearby nodes and the types of resources that they might need to begin you know certain public initiative projects and and interfacing with the the player population talking about spigots and and sinks and and you know where we want the predominancy of of economic volume to occur between player to player transactions and having that kind of closed market system um that you know this was a a lot of fun in you know defining the variables and the specifics around those things and and that's been a lot really of of what this process post alpha one has looked like as we've you know gone through the data as we've gone through the community feedback as we've gone through um kind of re-architecting the more fleshed-out portions of these systems for alpha-2 and what they look like and and getting to see the the the designers on our team which we have very i mean incredibly talented designers across you know um uh corey and chris and trad and brian and jason and and jeremy and bucky and aimee and chang and i mean we just have really an incredible mike incredible i know i know i know i know i know i know i'm so sorry everyone's gonna feel left out stephen i know i know but we've had we have incredibly talented design team and i i've i've loved really getting to um to get into the weeds of all this stuff with them you know obviously at the outlook of Ashes of Creation i have all these kind of you know grand macro ideas around systems and pulled from inspirations of the games that i played as an mmorpg player and what i thought they did best but you know getting really the diversity and thought amongst our design team being able to contribute to parts of those you know micro level uh specifics in each of these systems has been a lot of fun um so design's been hard at work at that in addition obviously the prototyping and working towards the changes across combat excuse me um very excited to to kind of debut that stuff to the community get additional feedback and iterate upon that again um you know designs uh been interfacing with animation with vfx uh as part of that uh process and planning out what these what these different uh uh iterations of combat are going to actually look and feel like right um so that's been a lot of fun additionally you know having over the last um over the last few weeks really getting into specifics about how we want to re-architect some of these class structures um where we're placing certain types of abilities what the bread and butter of each of these archetypes actually looks like how they're going to fit into the progression of up to you know level 35 in alpha 2. um what interactions players are going to have in alpha 2 with the augment system and the ability to you know redefine a little bit of their role and kind of flirt those that that holy trinity so to speak uh presenting the opportunities of hybrid classes have a lotting a lot of discussions and planning about that so that's all fine i mean there's there's just so much that's intended for alpha 2 um really gives a very big picture of what of what the game Ashes of Creation is going to look like so we know we're making sure that we're getting all of our ducks in order when it comes to you know planning out how um how we want players to interface with these systems for alpha 2 and it's it's going to be pretty exciting i think to see people play it yeah i know people are going to be super hyped to see some of those prototypes coming in in the next few months as you are ready to showcase them oh did i accidentally leak 35 yeah you did oh shoot okay well i just want to say that that is that's our target goal uh i hope the design team's going to yell at me we didn't for sure decide on 35 yet but no no no that's our target goal 35 i think so you know it is what it is it's subject to change as with all design and development there yes there you go subject to change yes you don't know exactly it's going to be 35 yet so just keep that in your backpack they i was like oh they're taking that and going yes i know um and i'm like trying to think about if there's anything else i lost my mic you lost your mic we can still hear you okay i'm here i lost my speakers i guess or okay i'm good somebody's cutting me off from the studio cut his mic cut his mind just kidding i think you're good anything else you want to share on the design front or engineering side i mean obviously i know the engineering team has been hard at work on ue5 madness so you know what i will say on the design side and i just had a conversation with this about with jason neal a little while ago was you know originally we talked about how you know zerging is always a problem in a lot of these mmorpgs where you really can't control the number of participants in certain open world systems right um and in that sense you know instancing is a great tool that designers can sometimes use to curate a particular number of participants that you want but the predominant amount of content within ashes of creation over 80 of which is is open world content so instancing is very limited um but what we were talking about was how during like sieges or castle sieges or node sieges you're going to have uh certain um uh instance locations where it's only going to be a group that's designated to participate versus another group while the siege is happening and i know in the past we talked about well how do you plan to incorporate these more objective based waypoints as part of these larger events and say that not only is it going to be a complement of numbers or in the overall grand kind of battle perspective but there's also going to be opportunities for smaller more niche groups um to participate in more focused objective capturing right and um a part of that is going to be you know small very uh um short kind of ten minute long um instance battles where groups can go and participate against other groups that are defender versus attacker and the outcome of which will influence certain aspects of the overall battle while that's still occurring in the background um those types of of of interactions i think are going to be a lot of fun that's a discussion that we had a little bit on the design side of course that's going to get fleshed out a little bit more whether or not we see that in alpha 2 i i'm not sure if we will but it is part of the design and how to incorporate those smaller group based objectives as they uh as they work in concert with the overall larger battle so just i think interesting things yeah very interesting i know people love hearing the more you can share with them the more they're going to be happy i know that on the design front the one thing that you guys are super excited about is combat and like we said we'll be showing off some of the new prototypes for those changes coming soon there's also a lot of um ai infrastructure that they're working towards as well absolutely i don't know if you want to talk a little bit about that um sure yeah we were actually just talking about this you know um as part of the ai tools that designers get to work with excuse me we're having i was having a discussion with corey as uh he was presenting kind of the the uh function of hate and hate tables how leashing works behind you eyes how different behavior trees are going to be possible at either variables that will have different types of reactions from a skill perspective on the ai uh for example if you're you know attempting to train monsters um you know the ability for uh there to be a small percentage chance of different types of um uh of ability usage by those npcs that are not exactly predictable right those variables make things a little bit more interesting a little bit more uh fluid more reactive from the player's perspective these are capabilities that the ai is intended to have and will be online for alpha 2. i think that's going to present to players a little bit of a different moment-to-moment kind of combat that they aren't typically used to in mmorpgs because the activities and behaviors of the are a little bit more predictive in the games we've typically played um but i think this is going to be a nice addition to to the type of interactions that players can expect to to have in Ashes of Creation that's going to be a lot of fun not to mention that ais will exist within certain factions in the game you know we're a non-faction-based game however we present a lot of opportunities for pseudo-factions to arise and that's just not from the player's perspective but it's also from the npc perspective as well so how players interface with those npcs within the nodes with those individual factions whether or not you can even have those factions perhaps vote in certain elections so there might be some quest based slash reputation based activities that you can perform with npc factions within a node to add them to the voting structure of the mayorship right for scientific nodes i think that's kind of a cool dynamic that provides an alternative to the just standard voting uh aspects um that's kind of cool um but yeah there's there's a there's a lot of cool ai stuff that we're that we're working on yeah and when we're ready to share some of those things along our journey we definitely will so stay tuned like dad said that i like home dad said stephen is leaking more than my kitchen sink you might want to get that you might want to get that checked out i think that if you don't have anything else you want to share on the design or engineering front well engineer is also working on the character creator i don't know if you want to talk a little bit about that i know it's character related but yeah the thing that is that like everything kind of touches all the things so a lot of things touch a lot of things um yeah i know uh are we on designer we're doing engineering with designers kind of engineering i kind of got it engineering stuff can't be shown until design is sure interacted with it so it's i could usually clump those together yeah um engineering has been doing a lot of work um you know outside of obviously the ue5 migration which is obviously you know a big chunk of of of work that needs to be done um you know clayton's been working on the materials uh zach and adam have been working on the character customization options and i just took a look at that actually yesterday uh zach has done an amazing job with um with different parameters that are adjustable the deformations that are possible the the customization of the of the characters face and body i mean it's it's just very in-depth um now obviously it needs some ui love and it needs to be um you know presentable in a visible way but the parameters the the technical side of what's capable um working with the character team with gen c with with chris atkins and the animators um you know adjusting these facial parameters so that they can be super customizable has been really interesting to see and you know i'm pretty sure we're going to be able to showcase a little bit of that work in progress next month um but uh you know the intent is to have one of the most customizable options from a character creator perspective uh in an mmorpg and i think the engineering team is hitting that mark uh zach has been leading the charge on that it's it's really exciting i do want to practice though that it will be in the early phases for showing it off next month the ui is definitely not the final ui no there's still some work that needs to be done so no i think i think the cool thing about i mean you guys i mean what we have we have a little over 3000 people watching right now we have developed i think a rapport as part of this transparent development process where we as developers are comfortable showing you guys work in progress and you have kind of the context to take a look at something in its early phase and understand what it's going to become in its you know final product phase you've seen the progress of ashes of creation over the last you know four or five years and you've seen where we've come from in that time to our alpha one presentation and you can see how things develop right so so having built that kind of rapport with the community i think allows us to show these work in progress things um and it can get you guys a little bit excited because you get to take you get to take a look under the hood and you get to see this process you know when it's not pristine and beautiful and polished uh but rather you know along the way and um and and that's that's a cool interaction to have because it lets us of course gather feedback earlier on uh but at the same time it gives you guys confidence in the direction we're taking um and gets you excited yeah i just always like to preface because people there's some people who walk away with something and it's like this is the final combat and it's like no that's not yeah i know you're you're always gonna have that i mean my job is to make sure i engrave that in your mind um all right anything yeah oh and i'm sorry yes so so that was on the character customization front um you know mitch and hunter and zach have been doing a great job working on the uh networking changes that we've been implementing in anticipation for alpha 2 um getting all things network related excuse me in a spot where we're going to really see some awesome um some awesome interactions and performance um on the server side uh uh for alpha two so super excited about the work that they're doing um you know there's there's been a lot of work on the back end um on our platform on our micro services that mark and his team have been have been working on mark rich eric and antoine um i'm very excited for it i did have a update that you guys probably saw um it was just to fix some bugs uh there's still a few others that we're looking into in regards to like the web front so if you're experiencing any of those issues um i know for instance like there's one where it says that you're unbanned from the forums that email should actually just be telling you that your email is verified so we're getting those things resolved it was some of the some of the things from the update when we uh swapped the new sso changes over absolutely also a lot of exciting feature work being done on the narrative tool on um some of the adjustments to the node tool uh roy's been working on on the design data tool uh that max has been working on so a lot of stuff coming together from engineering supporting our our design and art teams uh for alpha 2 it is it is going to be a big undertaking and engineering always helps lead the charge on that 100 they're they're like the the middle part of everything and everything else kind of trickles from that yes very exciting stuff so i think we're ready to move on to environment art unless you have any additional things you want to share on the design or engineering side i know it's a lot to remember i think that's it for for the most part yeah we'd be here all day if we shared every little bit that everyone's working on

Environment Art Update

this is true so let us move on to our uh environment art update so moving on i think uh testing it should be fixed now oh it's probably the scene yeah it was uh muted some turned off you should be all good dude look how crazy the chat is they're like y'all dad they're losing their minds look at these boats was this harold that worked on these um i believe so i'm not sure i'm not sure certain engineer didn't uh put names on everybody who worked on all the things oh an environment yeah yeah or environment not engineering [Laughter] they're making boats now yeah engineering's making boats now oh this is brandon i'm sorry this is brandon mcdonald he made this boat yeah yeah um very cool i have a 3d version to show you now of course this would be uh one of the very early boats that you'd be able to acquire in game um and he calls this what is this one this is the who claire yeah hook something like that i'm not sure how to pronounce it yeah it looks very good so this would be the one that you kind of get early on working your way up of course should you choose to take that path and creating larger boats uh this would probably be one of the first you might take it out to go so you know certain fishing spots or to you know travel out along the coast as an alternate path from a land route um but this would be a relatively easy one to acquire early on yeah and and to be clear these types of boats these smaller personal vessels would not require um and uh fairly certain here would not require an established harbor that's connected as a point of interest from a node location right you could just go off on the outside right exactly these would probably be capable of being both constructed and launched from any portion of the um of the land um of the coast thank you um maybe just not in the red in the land in the middle of it no just a just a land dwelling can you imagine a land boat yes exactly it would be pretty funny instead of a flying dutchman it's a flying robot don't tempt people no there'll be some people be like my immersion uh moving on from there we've got some cool lighting fixtures and um little bits and bobs for the environment team some props there's working on more props i know hal always does such a great job with these props i think um this is adam um that did um a coffee table along with uh brazier work in progress here's yes love these beautiful um furniture's such an important aspect of the game then harold also made the barriers defensive barriers getting some siege goodness in here oh yeah see the back of it and as well as a fountain so i'm tall the phone tone and then the big thing we have here is kind of showing you some of the road uh system tech that um brian ganz is working on so i'm going to show you this note that these videos are not the highest quality of video uh but uh you know you're getting a little behind the scenes and seeing how uh the road uh system tech is going to work so kind of showcasing this it's basically a work in uh progress preview it shows off how the change how we'll be changing the landscape from grass to natural elements to the different levels of roads because there's going to be different types of roads you know like when it starts out it'll be you know dirt road and it'll yeah to be more uh so what you're seeing here as brian as brian is manipulating these different um volumes uh you can see in the kind of center to center right area a small line of a road what this is is wanting to do is as nodes advance right these uh pre-laid kind of road spots that exist uh connecting every possible route between uh certain node structures is going to adjust and adapt both its material presentation the the the type of roadwork that's present it'll move from this um uh more you know dirt road type to perhaps a brick blade road to perhaps you know some super ornate beautiful you know metropolis style uh road that will adjust around the world according to how these node structures begin to populate in advance that's obviously a very important thing roads aren't just something that's you know visually beautiful in this game they also have very specific mechanical uh uh implications the speed of caravans the movement of mounts between um nodes uh you know these are all relevant structures uh that have game design implications and and mechanic implications so um it's important that you know not just visually we're updating the road sequence to make sense both from a you know advancement of the world structure but also that you are able to identify which roads are going to be most complementary to the movement of your caravan let's say right or um or uh the structures between nodes and how you can move uh with your mount um these are pretty important aspects yeah and um to kind of give you some understanding here uh the node influence is depicted by these greens these like circles that you're seeing um uh as they move and scale across the road that's how you're going to see these road types change so those little circles that you see around that he's moving he's moving like the the spawn point type of thing and the circles are the thing that are altering and changing and you can see as he's moving it around how that's changing the road path yeah it's really really cool and obviously lower level nodes will have you know things like dirt roads and things like that and we'll move into cobblestone and brick so it's very exciting stuff and being able to showcase that a little bit from the tech side uh how the automation's going to work i think hopefully you guys enjoy seeing that if you like it let us know we'll show you more stuff like that

Character Art Update

and i think that's it for environment art and we can swap over to the big one which is character stuff are you ready for it stephen oh my gosh okay wait what are we now i know we have a few okay so one that they've never seen before is we're gonna start yes oh we're gonna start with that one okay got it all right so to preface this of course as you guys know uh art is always a work in progress you know we oftentimes go through first passes and and that'll be good enough for a particular milestone or you know what we're attempting to achieve within that within that particular uh presentation and then we'll come back and we'll fix things up you know we'll do a second pass we'll do a third pass you know we might update some skin materials we might do some you know changes to the to the to the base body um hopefully not too many changes there but um you know what we want to do as part of this kind of reveal um is of course we're going to be revealing one of the new character races and we haven't said which one yet but in addition we're going to show you some updates that have been done also to some character races that you've already seen and how just different um they look now as a result of those second or third passes um and i think that's going to be pretty exciting i know it's always been you know and reveal of a 3d model for one thing or a couple that they've never seen three years before so i think i think it's uh in the community it's fun to you know like i said earlier it's fun to always watch the progress uh but in the character model specifically since like 2018 when or 17 you go back and look at the character please it's so funny go back and look at this go look at the character models from like 2017 18 the the um the uh kaylar or the empyreans and there's some great community memes out there about it but ever since you know actually one of our staff members also dressed up for halloween as that starting character too oh yeah was that bucky i think it was i think it was bucky it was so great but ever since ever since atkins took over as lead character artist the the character team has been doing a an incredible job i mean there's such great talent over there between eli and jincy and and and chris and and keith um he started naming i know darn i need to stop doing that and everyone else on the character team the whole team i know i know um but they've been doing a great job so let's let's reveal so who is this race that we're gonna show the first one we're to show is the reveal oh we don't have to show yet wait hold up did we show it we haven't shown it yet so this is the vec so what do we know about the vec right the vec are these stars i know i'm sorry the vec are these star gazing um uh sub-race of orcs that kind of delineated away from the original kaivec you know a protectorate that was this you know large orcish kingdom prior to the to the to the fall into the exodus of vera and they the vet continued about their focus on the stars and how they could glean the best uses of the essence and be predictive of the future and and and that almost astrology aspect of of of what vera has available to it so let's take a look at the vector i feel like i need to like do like a sound like yes like like oh wait no not that one not that one drum roll yeah there yes drum roll totally dropped all right i'm just kidding all right here we go uh the first reveal of is it like full screen oh no it's like cyber oh yes so these are the vec and what you can see here obviously as you can see the male vector and you can see female vec there are some significant you know body influences and differences especially when it comes to the ears the nose you know that brow structure that delineates them away from the renkai you know those are the main things where there are some similarities where you can still see that orcish presence it's obviously the underbite that's present the kind of teeth structure that's available you know those uh those more kind of tribal influences across the the face artwork that's present but um you know these guys i think are a major distinguishing factor between what players are accustomed to in general player player character races like you know humans and elves those are relatively standard right you know there's not not too much you can really deviate here but the vet gives us an opportunity from an orc perspective to really kind of play towards influences that aren't typically seen in orc races right um almost a you know almost an alien look with this with especially the color of the skin tone that kind of bluish oh just wait till i show you some other ones yes now we've got some variants for you i i love the variant show me the big bug-eyed barrier i want to see that one which one that one is oh i want to see the bug so these these are going to be studio mode at one second oh okay oh look okay i think i know which one it is i will i'll swap to that one for you so now the hope is that these types of variants that you're about to see are going to be customization options um that are available uh almost somebody said burn it that's true no he's not scary look at his pig he's got puppy eyes i love it he's just looking for a friend he just wants to kiss you yeah because look at this with his little teeth little test teeth [Laughter] but of course you can see that there are still similarities right between some of the facial features but but this would almost be a uh you know an ethnicity within the vet culture um a little bit of something like who needs a telescope with those eyes someone said that at discord who needs a telescope that's hey you know that's why the eyes maybe progressed like that they were always looking at the stars right they're trying to take as much light as possible yeah further than everybody else that'd be cool right the more dilated the eyes are the more they can take in exposure-wise in the darkness and looking up at the stars i mean these are these are elements of their evolutionary path that influenced kind of their their visual presentation all right we have we have somebody said they're the greys we have another version for you all as well which looks badass oh there we go yeah now here you can see i think would be a little bit more similarity with the renkai right and the shape of the brow and the the shape of the eyes they're almost muscular though yeah absolutely less muscular but but they're the features what they're presenting from a personality perspective i mean you have a very cunning brow there right like that is that is something that's important um you know in their presentation i love it yes sick they're so pretty you guys you guys will have to go and comment after after our live stream go on twitter go on the forums go on reddit give us some commentary on what you think about the vec did they live up to your expectations you know what do you like about them what do you wish you could change um you know this is i i personally love them i think they look great they're very different from our other races which i think absolutely and it's very important if there's if you're looking for a different type of race then there are other options for you but if this is your jam one important thing also that's distinguishing about the vec and this is something that we'll be showcasing later um is that their their base idol stance you know the the the stance that they have is going to be a little bit more contorted right it's going to have a little bit more you know odd uh uh language across the shoulder structure and kind of their stance and and how they kind of move about and one of the main reasons for that is because you know when we think about a threat assessment perspective um when we think about you coming across other players in the world and being able to identify and distinguish between the different races at a distance almost that silhouette profile right the vec share their height with the kailar and the and the value a little bit right they're very similar in height to the to the killer and the value but we needed someone to distinguish we needed something to distinguish their silhouette and that thing is going to be how they stand you know what their what their stance looks like um something that's going to be very exciting also to show in the future once animation has an opportunity to give us these variants is going to be that base idle animation when you're just kind of standing not in a combat stance right not in combat but when you're standing outside non-combat idol that you'll have different um different uh stances and forms that you can choose at the character creation point right whether you walk in a more masculine way or more feminine way or perhaps you know you have these different types of of movements to your your base idle non-combat idol um that's going to be something that we want to offer as an option as well uh we'll expand on that further in the future when animations had an opportunity to provide some of those variants and we can internally test that um but that's the desire might change in the future but i think we're capable of doing that yeah it'd be neat as you know as you're doing your creation of your character being able to choose your idol animation and make yourself a little different than everybody else absolutely people will appreciate that speaking of our orc friends uh who are very similar but different uh renkai we have shown the rangkai before in a similar manner to how we're showing the back but now we have the 3d model uh work in progress for you all to see and and fun fun note real quick actually the renkai themselves excuse me the renkai models will actually be um part of our next milestone within the next um i think month uh we're going to have them now fully fledged in game with armors and everything that's playable uh internally as we do our qa testing and as we do our milestone testing um i know that's on the sprint for character uh and that's why you guys are getting to see the updated models on the renkai because we wanted to go through that second pass on their uh skin materials on their face um and keep in mind as you're looking right now at the vec like what facial features is the vector yes as you see the renkai you can see kind of the differences in the facial structures now the renkai also are yeah you can show them the renkai are big boys and girls so they're the they're the tallest uh player character race that you can have in the game they're also very buff and very meaty these big you know imposing silhouette they're beastie boys uh well wait that's probably that's not a musical group the beastie boys yeah that is a bc so they're not technically beastie boys but they're beast-like boys no um but you can see the the features here these are very large if you were to put a vec next to a renkai the vek would almost stand probably at just beneath the uh the chest just beneath the the uh his pecs um so these are big boys and girls and then we have another version of them for the mail we won't be showing the female quite yet but maybe in a future live stream you'll uh get to see that so stay tuned we will be showing females of other things so oh the this one is the asmin bald version um no i'm just [Music] i'm just kidding i didn't love azure gold now i'm just joking oh got him i'm just kidding uh do we have some we have some close-ups on the face right um of the orcs not not the orcs but uh what on the renkai i thought we did on the rent card i don't have oh somewhere but we can definitely share some more on social and stuff so stay tuned for for lots of goodness um the next thing that we have never shown is uh the nikuen dwarves and so this will be the first time you are going to get to see them as well and i don't know if you want to preface anything in regards to that stephen oh on the nikura yeah so obviously excuse me one of the biggest feedbacks that we had out of alpha one was the representation of the junior versus the nakuen and that was great really information that you guys testers and audiences out there provided us kind of what your anticipation was of the of the junior you know more traditional dwarven uh presentation versus the um the more innovative approach to dwarven society and the nakua and being that more you know almost polynesian-influenced uh beach dwarf so to speak so um oh i just got someone shared me a file oh that's a different one i'm sorry um so uh uh we took that advice we took that feedback and we went and we made some adjustments and we delineated the differences between um uh the presentation of the duner versus the nakua so are we showing the niko or the dunear one first nuku in first okay showing all the new stuff and then obviously junior are gonna have new models too but they've seen some more of that than they have the others awesome all right here we go here we are there we go so you can see that and you'll you'll get context for this in just a moment once the right so once you see this nikken body type and you see um you know this nikon uh uh presentation who's tyler what do they keep saying tyler for who's what's tyler tyler one is a he's a twitch streamer so oh i'm sorry he's a content creator i didn't know that yeah it's terrible oh so tyler one's a nakuen like in real life or what is that no he's not but they are saying that he looks similar i think he's okay he's a very well dude okay okay sorry i didn't know that reference um but you can see here right this this almost has you know the proportions of his body isn't that indicative of a dwarf right um of a traditional dwarf uh and and instead it has more of that halfling look a little bit right it has it has a little bit more halfling and this is kind of similar to what was in alpha one for the duneer but you're going to see significant differences let's show them the junior because they're upset i think yes that like there's different bodies for different people you know not everyone wants to be the stocky dwarf that's okay there we go so this is the dwarves that you all i think are wanting now this is the different type of race yeah yes and you can see in the duneer you can see the update to the skin uh material and textures like it is you know this is a major update uh for the duneer and these are the more traditional dwarfs um you know you can see here this is some of the in-game achievable armor that they're wearing i believe right this isn't a cosmetic armor yeah i think this is the in-game achievable armors but you can see the just the quality on that second or third pass that we've done here with the duneer um what they look like and compared to the nikuen right the nakuan race is we want it to be different we want it to stand out apart from the duneer and in that sense that's why you have those more uh halfling oriented influences whereas here you can see in the body type just the the discrepancy and what these um uh proportions look like anatomically you know it is it is a more traditional dwarven uh uh uh uh character race they're like the cheeks somebody said this is how my four-year-old looks when walking around the house dude your four-year-old is buff man this is a buff it was about a four-year-old so uh you know as we said with the with the vek make sure you guys go and and comment on on twitter discord reddit our forums give us your feedback take a look at these grab some screenshots of it you know give us give us kind of your feedback on how these either met what your anticipated kind of uh influences for these races uh present how how awesome they look or would you want to play one of these you know what type of of customization options you would want to have obviously the the dwarves are going to have the most expansive beard customization options available but uh you know they i really love i love how we've updated these character races i think they look great female version as well for those lady dwarves out there okay now here's my idea for the female version by the way you know female dwarves it's it's reported in ashes that they're capable of having beards right but what do you think can we go back real quick one second to the previous uh to the previous image yeah to the mail notice on the mail does this one have the body here yeah notice on the mail you can see elements of body hair all across you know patches of body hair there right and let's go back to the female what do you guys think if we were to incorporate body hair in the same fashion across the female body as well is that something that is unique that you'd want to see on the on the as an option on the female uh i think there's a mix i think if it's an option that people can yeah yeah i think that's cool absolutely just like ladies who want beards like i know i want i want to be a dwarf with a beard so i think it'd be cool to i think would be great if as a character customization option for the female juniors you had body hair as an option and some of that body hair in certain locations could be braided like what if they had armpits very long and had braids and like little ornaments adorned on the armpit armor you're making the character model artists go like well i mean these these would be attac these these would be uh visible if you take off no if you take off the armor or yeah you could have like maybe armor holes i don't know or what if they had like tail hair you know on the back or something and it just kind of came out it was like a tail or something i don't know it would be kind of interesting i think you're getting into tulnard territory there stephen i'm just theorizing but these are the types of conversations that you guys can but hair braids the chat's killing me um yeah those asking we will be cutting you know uh we'll we'll have the stream up on youtube and we'll also uh cut out little bits and pieces that we always post on social so if you follow us on social media i think all the links are down below right there on we'll we'll be sharing a lot of little bits and pieces so uh if you like more bite size content that is always the best way to follow us and continue getting updates but yeah uh are you ready to show the armor uh set stuff for the junior yeah yeah absolutely i'm sorry i got a little ahead of myself there man i just want you guys to have those conversations let us know your thoughts on it i think it's it is water yes this is water it is not anything but water yeah he's drinking water we always have to tell people he's drinking water so this is uh the i think tier v um armor yes uh is this tier five or tier four tier five oh it's a tier five okay yeah so this is this is an example of in-game achievable this is fully modeled and completed um top grade armor and this is obviously a plate set that you're seeing um this is something that is an armor set you can achieve in game let us know in the comments and and following up this you know what your thoughts are on this in-game achievable armor comparative to some of the cosmetics obviously that we presented in the past is this the level of armor that you are you're looking at and saying damn this is epic like this is the armor i would want to achieve this does not incorporate visual effects so excuse me some of the enchantment options that you have on weapons will present uh visual effects glows uh you know of blue and red colors um you know there's obviously going to be um status conditions that can be applied as well like as you as you might be cc or whatever but but from an enchantment perspective you can you can uh have a glowing weapon as well and this doesn't show that all right and uh last but not least this is also still work in progress but the kayla male uh is being and one of the one other thing by the way about this armor set and it's important to note oh there we go he doesn't have armor he's naked um he's naked he's naked one of the things about these armor sets that's important to note um oh is that you know we're not going for that visual appearance of really oversized uh you know unrealistic looking kind of overly fantastical you know armor pieces of course we're going with super epic looking we're going with you know real or ornate you know kind of appearance and i think this armor really does a great job of capturing that balance between what traditionally some mmo styles have which is a little bit overly fantastical appearance of armors but keeping it realistic and at the same time really epic and still ornate and complex that that has progression to that gear appearance right um not only that but it's important to note like gear is also a part of the silhouette right this is a another threat assessment component when you're coming across players you know you're taking a look oh okay i'm aware this guy has a full set on that is the you know top grade kind of gear uh that uh is noticeable at a distance i like somebody said threat level midnight that's great now we'll swap over to our kayla our mail here who is still working in progress he's in his t-pose so he's got his his scary eye his scary eyes oh yeah yeah so these are just a lot of changes this is just adjustments on the on the body excuse me on the body sorry hold on stephen's got his cough don't worry he's for a long time i just before new people come in and they're concerned with like that no no the problem is the problem is is that i i am talking literally all day long constantly um and unfortunately sometimes that irritates my throat a little bit but i'm i'm not sick or anything anyways um what you're seeing here is obviously these are updates to the to the klr body the bass body um you know these are important you may not really notice as much but these are um you know passes that character team is doing on that body on the face um on what that that mid-level body type looks like and then these are from from this point is where you're going to get that character customization options you're going to be able to play with you know the size of the calves and the thighs and the you know musculature they you know how toned and defined is the body versus um some of the lengths and and proportions on the on the limbs um but you can also see updates here to the skin you can see updates here to the face you can see updates here um to body definition um you know these are starting to get to a place where uh you know i think is is a very a very compelling character race right um and it and is on the same par as as as any aaa you know mmorpg that you guys have experienced or that we've had experience with in the past um so you know i think it's looking really good yeah it's looking very good and we'll be showing more stuff as we as we progress everywhere is this you guys are going to continue somebody said this is the asthma bald character [Music] next up we've got some amazing um new character art as well from this one's mate was made by eli this is the regalia of the plated heart which eli did a great job with this set yeah very interesting sec because it's one of those things where you're going to a gala but you want to make sure that you're armored still yeah almost that that gold that gilded you know armor piece on the females um um almost full body address there i think that one of my favorite things is of course it's tricky with animation sometimes but having that um that full kind of canopy-esque looking dress piece um is is really cool i love the flow of it from an animation perspective in game of course sometimes it's difficult as the feet try to clip into the you know to the armor itself but um uh i know that our our cloth uh our cloth simulated physics and whatnot those are those types of pieces are usually shine and then i have the turntable for this so you can see the 3d model it looks like they're dancing a little bit like they're on those carousels you know what i mean what i'm talking about and they're just dancing it looks like and these are the veiling too so you're getting to see some more racial stuff that you know if you're paying attention you can see this is the value character race yeah so kind of getting they'll see more of it as it's coming to portion next up we have the salt spine our big chunky boy john looked at this guy and loved this guy and i looked at it too and i was like wow this guy he's pretty cool it was it danny that did this one this one is danny yeah yeah danny did a great job this this this mount is just unbelievable now is this an in-game achievable no this is a cosmetic it's a cosmetic okay yeah it looks it looks great i mean wow i would love to ride that i want him to be super slow and regal in his movements you know what i mean he he looks like a royal mount um so on the animation side you know i know that they're obviously going to share with the scale runner and stuff but if there was a way we could kind of slow down his idol at least and give him just kind of like a your beneath me attitude i would i think that would fit perfectly with his persona well that makes sense because he is a noble um steed so i'm glad that that came across to you because that is how that's how i believe this one um i worked with scott to design nice yeah the set yeah i love the horn works on the face as well yeah it's got uh i had a really cool theme for this because this was all obviously in most most of the set is very nico in if you um check it out it was part of the uh a home waters oh is that true z said his name is frank is it frank they've been naming him frank in the community okay all right next up we've got um some stuff from ginsee um this is first the ember kit embered kit uh which you know you've seen the box for the pirates little babies these are the babies a little pet look at the little fur babies now we're going to show off an ingame achievable so those those are the pets that kind of just follow you around they don't have any in-game relevance or like mechanical features right there they're not going to interact with with enemies or yourself but they're just going to like you know stand at your feet and follow you they'll like lick their paws and animation and clean themselves or something right um these guys look great i mean i love them they're super cute they're adorable uh this next one is an in-game achievable item don't don't cecilia said zelia said that that's a waste of fps somebody from chat please no i'm just kidding you're entitled to your opinion this is our hippo friend also made by ginsee and there's a variant of it so you can kind of see the two yeah that's a that's a big big boy and girl as well i think it's a big girl she's got a lot of jewelry on her well boys can wear jewelry but i think that's true other body parts are telling that it might be a female i'm looking at her at her fingernails and she has them kind of painted it long so yeah fingernails that's what uh that's what i gave it away also she's got very pretty little eyelashes dude hippos are dangerous hippos are dangerous very dangerous i think the first time i saw hippos as a kid was in the movie congo um when they got attacked by the hippos and like from that point forward i knew that hippos were dangerous and if i ever came across one to steer clear oh my gosh yeah their jaws are just super strong they can just like crush things and with like no effort they're just like hump and eats it it's crazy oh yeah you know have you ever seen the videos of like hippos eating water like full watermelons yes yes it's cool yes it is super cool they just chop those things down um people are wondering if this will be a group mount i think it's just a singular like you just sit on it but um yeah that's a that's a single mount now is this a cosmetic no this is uh this is an in-game achievable oh this is an in-game achievable mount so again comparatively guys i know a lot a lot of times in the past you know people have been wanting to see some of the in-game achievable stuff we try to keep the in-game achievable stuff relatively close to the chest because that's stuff we want you to discover and be excited about but here's an example of of the complexities and and just the ornateness of this mount comparatively right um but this this is a really cool looking mount um i love hippos and i can't wait to see the animation behind it too all right with that we're gonna wrap things up with going through our q a we're still a little over what do you call a curious question what do you call a group of hippos a group of hippos i'll look it up yeah i don't know is it like a murder of hippos a flock of hippos is called maybe a flock pod it's called a bloat a pod or a herd oh a bloat of a bloat of hippos a bloat of hippos a bloat of hippos i like it all right going into q a our first question here is from sia curry akiri kiri i don't know if i'm saying your name's right let me know uh and they want to know about nodes uh once a node goes into lock uh lockout after siege can the quest to obtain a siege scroll still be completed or is it locked out for the time period it's a very good question so as it stands now um the quest for that node can still be completed um however there is a time there is a time limit um for those scrolls so if if you select i think if i think if you select that that node still as a as a target for that scroll um it's possible that you would that you would have um the cool the uh excuse me the lifetime of that scroll would be under the lockout of the node so it's possible you could waste that we might change that in the future i'm sure that design is going to want to revisit that um uh so don't hold me to it right now it might yeah i know you guys had you didn't want people to gamify it where like you're holding on to scrolls correct you know cause then you just like do a bunch of have everyone have a bunch of squirrels and just hold on to them it's yes it's not ideal uh magma kitten wants to know about naval content will there be a dark lake of rivers or any expanse of naval content included within the under realms that's a very good question not not for now and i can't i i wouldn't rule out the opportunity for something along those lines in the future with an expansion or an update but at the moment no there's not a plan for underrealm naval activity right and then song roon wants to know about bard gameplay in the interview with mmorpg steven mentioned again the formations for bards will this be primarily a way that bards buff their teams um i'm not sure if it's going to be primarily um it is definitely going to be incorporated as certain uh for certain skills certain abilities those might be those might be more key abilities right higher higher tier abilities but it probably will not be the primary function of the bard's role requiring formation related buffs uh every time they they attempt to bump the party all right and then pete nasty wants to know about utility skills could you elaborate on the potential of stealth when it comes to both utility and combat um i'm sorry say that one more time could you elaborate on the potential of stealth when it comes to both utility and combat both utility and combat um yeah i think uh you know one of the things about stealth that's really important is um and this is oftentimes in other games we played is you know take take the take the encounter with a boss or with npcs if you draw aggro you draw hate because of perhaps maybe some of the damage that you're doing or um you need to to to kind of clear that hate or or dip out of the fight momentarily stealth would be a great uh utility component to to achieve that goal um additionally from a combat perspective of course stealth is a is a huge tool when it comes to kind of sneaking up on a target not being uh easily detected staying on the fringes of the fight and choosing your time to engage i mean those are those are the elements of stealth that we want to incorporate um if you're trying to navigate past you know npc enemies to make it down to a group in a dungeon and you're a class that has stealth available to you it's a great utility mechanic for you to avoid aggro of those of those monsters as you're moving down right our next question is from uh jeremy jerry herring uh and they want to know about group mounts how are group mounts different from regular mounds in in regards to unlocking or obtaining them um when it comes to unlocking and obtaining you can probably imagine that group mounts are going to be a little bit more in-depth and rarer um you know these are amounts that have additional mechanics associated with the number of people that can ride them they might have certain types of weapon systems on those writing points um that players can can um can utilize uh in that sense these are going to be more rare they are going to be um more difficult to obtain um yeah okay and to reiterate because people are like there's not going to be any stealth he wasn't saying that there's not going to be stealth it's just more that it's part of a class like an archetype feature oh there absolutely is stealth stealth is 100 uh an option in the game it's not going to render yourself or the individual who uses the stealth um completely obscured you're still going to be able to identify there's going to be utility skills that can reveal stealth from a pvp perspective there's going to be perceptions that certain npcs have that can see through stealth like tremor sense or life sense you know there are there are elements of mechanics that relate to stealth and how it is balanced in the game uh it's not going to be similar to stealth that's been found in other games where you know the target is rendered completely uh uh invisible um they can make it past every enemy npc or monster they can use stealth at all times you know these are these are elements that is a tit for tat you know these are these are components of class kits that are going to have corresponding um counters as it relates to other classes as well one of my favorite things is when we were kind of showing off uh some of our combat through apocalypse uh is that people would change into like structures in the world and people would be like oh that's just a fountain and then you'd be dr you'd be like going by and then it comes out and gigs you it was interesting intriguing to have that that kind of stealth i don't think i've seen a ton in mmos um our next question is going to be from emberstone and it's about building cosmetics how will homestead skins affect the space available for furniture how will affect the space build furniture so furniture so the space available for furniture should be relatively um similar uh between building types um that at least you know we'll we'll try to make sure that that's the case when it comes to how furniture is incorporated as part of your layout and allotment these are going to be hard numerical values uh that are based on um the building type that you have right so the larger the home the more furniture pieces you can have from a space perspective that's something that's accounted for in the modeling of the actual of the actual building yeah when it comes to the cut if you put like a cosmetic house on top of your normal house those cosmetics should be similar in size the shape will change right so maybe the room layout will be different but uh it'll still be like a one-story building right and putting it on we'll have more details about those things coming i think i actually had a chat with the design team they're kind of flushing some stuff out and then steven's gonna approve it or change things and then i'll be coming back to give you guys a little bit more detail on what specifically the uh cosmetics that we've sold will be able to go on so you have a little bit more context because i know there's a lot of questions regarding that and i mentioned this on the forums as well uh our next question here is from lavitz slambert and they want to know about racial lore will we be given naming conventions based on the individual races and cultures uh at some point yes again we're wanting to keep a lot of that stuff pretty close to the chest of course it's not something we can keep close to the chest forever as we enter into alpha 2 and into our betas that stuff is going to be revealed um and i would look forward to those future dates uh for more information on it all right and the next question is about um mount combat and they would like to know will mounts have the ability to charge slash trample or will players be able to use lances or mounts and this comes from nayrock yes there will be a number of uh different combat feature skills on mounts it kind of depends on the particular mount its breed and you know sometimes a little bit of rng aspects to the creation of these mounts and your acquisition of them but they'll have abilities like charging through opponents being able to knock those opponents down they'll have defensive capabilities they'll have utility capabilities uh they might have specific um abilities that do create a lance while you're mounted on the target you know these are these are all ideas that are within the realm of possibility and have been discussed by the design team and incorporated as part of our layout for uh mounts and skills but as we narrow those things down and test them you'll get a better picture of of what types of things are available on mounts in the future all right and then our last one here is from dabs 16 and they would like to know about node corruption to what extent will the corrupted areas affect the node if the players decide not to deal with it and does it have a limit or can corruption go as far as to destroy nodes corruption can go as if players don't address corruption corruption can go as far to increase the frequency of npc driven events against the node those npc driven events can disable certain node buildings features and services disabling those node buildings features and services make the nodes susceptible to sieges and the ability for players to destroy nodes so it can be a very detrimental thing if corruption is not addressed and that's the intent of corruption is to present a challenge to the players that if not addressed it becomes exacerbated and and really a problem over time right and we do have a few more if you have time but i know we are a little overtime so we can wrap up we can take one more okay one more i will just go in the order that the bonus questions are here uh so this one is from garen and they want to know about armor cosmetics uh when it comes to the transition to unreal engine 5 what is your favorite armor set you are excited uh to see within the new engine oh wow it changes anything that's uh that's i mean visually yeah well the interaction with the lighting and lumen is going to have changed the appearance of materials and and assets and game as we could have seen with our december presentation of the ue5 um level um what set what set am i most excited about that's a very good question i think i've ever been asked that um oh man i don't know that's a toughy uh yeah i like more cloth based sets i really like the movement and simulation of cloth within the game um so any set that has kind of long you know adornments of cloth that are present i think you asked the character team the sets that i've probably uh more you know interacted with in their in their uh completion has been the cloth ones but i don't know i kind of but at the same time like looking at that dwarven armor that plate armor is just awesome like i look at that and i'm like wow you know so but i i tend to gravitate more towards cloth we could take one more that was a yeah that was a non-developer i just was going around in the order uh disobedient would like to know about crafting an alchemy specifically can i create my own original potion and keep the recipe secretly for myself that's a good question um at the moment there has definitely let me say this there has been some designers who have advocated for that specifically um there is a level of complexity that that adds to the crafting system i'm not opposed to that it's possible we may see something like that in the future uh i was actually just having a conversation with corey uh a little while ago about the idea of like storage for certain alchemical items or food related items and how the freshness might play into the efficacy of that particular item how furniture could help store those things and almond augment that like you know do we have a refrigeration or an ice box for like you know keeping meat preserved or something i'm not sure if we're gonna get that granular i'm not sure if we're going to allow um unique recipes that can kind of be hidden um right now i think we're definitely going to have rare recipes we're going to have a very active recipe market that how players find them and how they discover them is going to be very diverse it's not just going to be drop oriented it's going to be discovery adventurism treasures you know uh repetition of a particular activity that might yield something deconstruction that might learn how to you know create a recipe there's a lot of different functionality that's present that's going to be um that's going to be uh utilized um but uh yeah we'll we'll have to see about that all right and i think uh to go back to the other question i have a little think about it garen a little bit more and i think i still love the face of sorrow outfit it's one of my favorites i'm i'm a huge i love tanking or healing so i usually end up being like some kind of cleric or some kind of paladin or something so wearing heavy armor is my jam but i think that's that is just badass and i'm sure it's going to look really cool in unreal unreal engine 5 as well all right with that we are wrapping up our development update for january i feel like we've been talking for a lot but hopefully you all enjoyed all of the goodness seeing all the new race models and the updated race models getting a little sneak peek at the vec and you know as we progress further in the months you'll be able to see more of that uh we are thinking that we might be able to show off the character creator next month so it's going to be a lot of fun definitely want to tune in and as we move forward we'll be showing off a lot of prototyping of the combat stuff that the design team and engineering team are working towards so lots of good stuff cat moved um for your bingo we have a new uh dev discussion coming up so uh it will be in regards to rng so if you have thoughts on this definitely give us your feedback as that is coming up soon we also have our january cosmetic swap swap over on february 9th and uh this video will be up on youtube so you can go check it out on youtube uh at Ashes of Creation we'll also post all kinds of goodies on our social media channels twitter facebook instagram all the things definitely give us some love over there and we'll have conversations with you over on our discord i know there's a watch party happening right now if you want to hang out with our community managers

Outro and Q&A

and with that we're gonna wrap things up with going through our q a we're still a little over what do you call a curious question what do you call a group of hippos a group of hippos i'll look it up yeah i don't know is it like a murder of hippos a flock of hippos is called maybe a flock pod it's called a bloat a pod or a herd oh a bloat of a bloat of hippos a bloat of hippos a bloat of hippos i like it all right going into q a our first question here is from sia curry akiri kiri i don't know if i'm saying your name's right let me know uh and they want to know about nodes uh once a node goes into lock uh lockout after siege can the quest to obtain a siege scroll still be completed or is it locked out for the time period it's a very good question so as it stands now um the quest for that node can still be completed um however there is a time there is a time limit um for those scrolls so if if you select i think if i think if you select that that node still as a as a target for that scroll um it's possible that you would that you would have um the cool the uh excuse me the lifetime of that scroll would be under the lockout of the node so it's possible you could waste that we might change that in the future i'm sure that design is going to want to revisit that um uh so don't hold me to it right now it might yeah i know you guys had you didn't want people to gamify it where like you're holding on to scrolls correct you know cause then you just like do a bunch of have everyone have a bunch of squirrels and just hold on to them it's yes it's not ideal uh magma kitten wants to know about naval content will there be a dark lake of rivers or any expanse of naval content included within the under realms that's a very good question not not for now and i can't i i wouldn't rule out the opportunity for something along those lines in the future with an expansion or an update but at the moment no there's not a plan for underrealm naval activity right and then song roon wants to know about bard gameplay in the interview with mmorpg steven mentioned again the formations for bards will this be primarily a way that bards buff their teams um i'm not sure if it's going to be primarily um it is definitely going to be incorporated as certain uh for certain skills certain abilities those might be those might be more key abilities right higher higher tier abilities but it probably will not be the primary function of the bard's role requiring formation related buffs uh every time they they attempt to bump the party all right and then pete nasty wants to know about utility skills could you elaborate on the potential of stealth when it comes to both utility and combat um i'm sorry say that one more time could you elaborate on the potential of stealth when it comes to both utility and combat both utility and combat um yeah i think uh you know one of the things about stealth that's really important is um and this is oftentimes in other games we played is you know take take the take the encounter with a boss or with npcs if you draw aggro you draw hate because of perhaps maybe some of the damage that you're doing or um you need to to to kind of clear that hate or or dip out of the fight momentarily stealth would be a great uh utility component to to achieve that goal um additionally from a combat perspective of course stealth is a is a huge tool when it comes to kind of sneaking up on a target not being uh easily detected staying on the fringes of the fight and choosing your time to engage i mean those are those are the elements of stealth that we want to incorporate um if you're trying to navigate past you know npc enemies to make it down to a group in a dungeon and you're a class that has stealth available to you it's a great utility mechanic for you to avoid aggro of those of those monsters as you're moving down right our next question is from uh jeremy jerry herring uh and they want to know about group mounts how are group mounts different from regular mounds in in regards to unlocking or obtaining them um when it comes to unlocking and obtaining you can probably imagine that group mounts are going to be a little bit more in-depth and rarer um you know these are amounts that have additional mechanics associated with the number of people that can ride them they might have certain types of weapon systems on those writing points um that players can can um can utilize uh in that sense these are going to be more rare they are going to be um more difficult to obtain um yeah okay and to reiterate because people are like there's not going to be any stealth he wasn't saying that there's not going to be stealth it's just more that it's part of a class like an archetype feature oh there absolutely is stealth stealth is 100 uh an option in the game it's not going to render yourself or the individual who uses the stealth um completely obscured you're still going to be able to identify there's going to be utility skills that can reveal stealth from a pvp perspective there's going to be perceptions that certain npcs have that can see through stealth like tremor sense or life sense you know there are there are elements of mechanics that relate to stealth and how it is balanced in the game uh it's not going to be similar to stealth that's been found in other games where you know the target is rendered completely uh uh invisible um they can make it past every enemy npc or monster they can use stealth at all times you know these are these are elements that is a tit for tat you know these are these are components of class kits that are going to have corresponding um counters as it relates to other classes as well one of my favorite things is when we were kind of showing off uh some of our combat through apocalypse uh is that people would change into like structures in the world and people would be like oh that's just a fountain and then you'd be dr you'd be like going by and then it comes out and gigs you it was interesting intriguing to have that that kind of stealth i don't think i've seen a ton in mmos um our next question is going to be from emberstone and it's about building cosmetics how will homestead skins affect the space available for furniture how will affect the space build furniture so furniture so the space available for furniture should be relatively um similar uh between building types um that at least you know we'll we'll try to make sure that that's the case when it comes to how furniture is incorporated as part of your layout and allotment these are going to be hard numerical values uh that are based on um the building type that you have right so the larger the home the more furniture pieces you can have from a space perspective that's something that's accounted for in the modeling of the actual of the actual building yeah when it comes to the cut if you put like a cosmetic house on top of your normal house those cosmetics should be similar in size the shape will change right so maybe the room layout will be different but uh it'll still be like a one-story building right and putting it on we'll have more details about those things coming i think i actually had a chat with the design team they're kind of flushing some stuff out and then steven's gonna approve it or change things and then i'll be coming back to give you guys a little bit more detail on what specifically the uh cosmetics that we've sold will be able to go on so you have a little bit more context because i know there's a lot of questions regarding that and i mentioned this on the forums as well uh our next question here is from lavitz slambert and they want to know about racial lore will we be given naming conventions based on the individual races and cultures uh at some point yes again we're wanting to keep a lot of that stuff pretty close to the chest of course it's not something we can keep close to the chest forever as we enter into alpha 2 and into our betas that stuff is going to be revealed um and i would look forward to those future dates uh for more information on it all right and the next question is about um mount combat and they would like to know will mounts have the ability to charge slash trample or will players be able to use lances or mounts and this comes from nayrock yes there will be a number of uh different combat feature skills on mounts it kind of depends on the particular mount its breed and you know sometimes a little bit of rng aspects to the creation of these mounts and your acquisition of them but they'll have abilities like charging through opponents being able to knock those opponents down they'll have defensive capabilities they'll have utility capabilities uh they might have specific um abilities that do create a lance while you're mounted on the target you know these are these are all ideas that are within the realm of possibility and have been discussed by the design team and incorporated as part of our layout for uh mounts and skills but as we narrow those things down and test them you'll get a better picture of of what types of things are available on mounts in the future all right and then our last one here is from dabs 16 and they would like to know about node corruption to what extent will the corrupted areas affect the node if the players decide not to deal with it and does it have a limit or can corruption go as far as to destroy nodes corruption can go as if players don't address corruption corruption can go as far to increase the frequency of npc driven events against the node those npc driven events can disable certain node buildings features and services disabling those node buildings features and services make the nodes susceptible to sieges and the ability for players to destroy nodes so it can be a very detrimental thing if corruption is not addressed and that's the intent of corruption is to present a challenge to the players that if not addressed it becomes exacerbated and and really a problem over time right and we do have a few more if you have time but i know we are a little overtime so we can wrap up we can take one more okay one more i will just go in the order that the bonus questions are here uh so this one is from garen and they want to know about armor cosmetics uh when it comes to the transition to unreal engine 5 what is your favorite armor set you are excited uh to see within the new engine oh wow it changes anything that's uh that's i mean visually yeah well the interaction with the lighting and lumen is going to have changed the appearance of materials and and assets and game as we could have seen with our december presentation of the ue5 um level um what set what set am i most excited about that's a very good question i think i've ever been asked that um oh man i don't know that's a toughy uh yeah i like more cloth based sets i really like the movement and simulation of cloth within the game um so any set that has kind of long you know adornments of cloth that are present i think you asked the character team the sets that i've probably uh more you know interacted with in their in their uh completion has been the cloth ones but i don't know i kind of but at the same time like looking at that dwarven armor that plate armor is just awesome like i look at that and i'm like wow you know so but i i tend to gravitate more towards cloth we could take one more that was a yeah that was a non-developer i just was going around in the order uh disobedient would like to know about crafting an alchemy specifically can i create my own original potion and keep the recipe secretly for myself that's a good question um at the moment there has definitely let me say this there has been some designers who have advocated for that specifically um there is a level of complexity that that adds to the crafting system i'm not opposed to that it's possible we may see something like that in the future uh i was actually just having a conversation with corey uh a little while ago about the idea of like storage for certain alchemical items or food related items and how the freshness might play into the efficacy of that particular item how furniture could help store those things and almond augment that like you know do we have a refrigeration or an ice box for like you know keeping meat preserved or something i'm not sure if we're gonna get that granular i'm not sure if we're going to allow um unique recipes that can kind of be hidden um right now i think we're definitely going to have rare recipes we're going to have a very active recipe market that how players find them and how they discover them is going to be very diverse it's not just going to be drop oriented it's going to be discovery adventurism treasures you know uh repetition of a particular activity that might yield something deconstruction that might learn how to you know create a recipe there's a lot of different functionality that's present that's going to be um that's going to be uh utilized um but uh yeah we'll we'll have to see about that all right and i think uh to go back to the other question i have a little think about it garen a little bit more and i think i still love the face of sorrow outfit it's one of my favorites i'm i'm a huge i love tanking or healing so i usually end up being like some kind of cleric or some kind of paladin or something so wearing heavy armor is my jam but i think that's that is just badass and i'm sure it's going to look really cool in unreal unreal engine 5 as well all right with that we are wrapping up our development update for january i feel like we've been talking for a lot but hopefully you all enjoyed all of the goodness seeing all the new race models and the updated race models getting a little sneak peek at the vec and you know as we progress further in the months you'll be able to see more of that uh we are thinking that we might be able to show off the character creator next month so it's going to be a lot of fun definitely want to tune in and as we move forward we'll be showing off a lot of prototyping of the combat stuff that the design team and engineering team are working towards so lots of good stuff cat moved um for your bingo we have a new uh dev discussion coming up so uh it will be in regards to rng so if you have thoughts on this definitely give us your feedback as that is coming up soon we also have our january cosmetic swap swap over on february 9th and uh this video will be up on youtube so you can go check it out on youtube uh at Ashes of Creation we'll also post all kinds of goodies on our social media channels twitter facebook instagram all the things definitely give us some love over there and we'll have conversations with you over on our discord i know there's a watch party happening right now if you want to hang out with our community managers um and with that we will wrap up our january development update thanks for tuning in guys and gals loved having you here as always thank you for support and we can't wait to show you more cool things [Music]