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Character count: 50119 | Duration in seconds:3621 | Characters per second: 13.84


Hey there how's everyone doing

Good to see you guys again I hope that we're actually working and that you can hear us we will find out momentarily I'm sure on the stream chat but we're happy to be with you guys today we're going to spend a lot of time during this show dedicated to the Q&A segment from the community both in your forums and on discord actually moderators if you're listening could you please set up a discord channel for the live Q&A set to a 600 second slow mode and everybody who is on with us right now on Twitch if you guys want to jump on discord if you're not already or on the forums you can post a question there that we will hopefully get to we've got a lot of stuff going on here at the studios where we're nearing the final stretch


Of alpha zero

We're prepping yeah battening down the hatches

Things are things are getting intense and we're getting everything we want to we want to test and really see for this first in you know major internal tests that we're inviting some people from the community to be a part of


To go off and give us some really good information

Yeah bang on those servers see see where our weaknesses and strengths are that kind of stuff right it's gonna be a big tech demo for us it's gonna be our first you know foray into the public sphere so we should get a lot of good data from it and it's something we're really looking forward to

First time having a server with more than like like twelve people

Twelve people on it yeah so well twelve real people so um

Twelve real people so um

That's true

Yeah once we once we get you know a good number of those guys will get to see exactly you know where we go from here so

We have we have for alpha zero about twelve hundred participants that we're aiming for


So it's a it's a three day period that boy I hope I can this stupid thing going it's a it's a three day period that we are having players join and there's different time slots that those of you who are participating in alpha zero you'll receive a survey email that that you will list your priority time slots that you'd prefer and then we will sort accordingly as they fill up over those three-day period of time and this is the first of many internal tests to come


Right yeah you know we we're going to test not only our back-end and networking stuff that we put in to to house a large amount of players in a single zone because alpha zero is taking place in a single zone


But also some key systems that we've integrated core systems that specifically the node system right major demonstration [cross-talk]

Right it'll be a big thing that I'm looking at just in terms of like how does everything function are all the pieces working well together you know what stuff we have missed what stuff we need to improve on and that sort of thing so it's it's ready for for a big mass of people to start start hitting it you know we can only test so much internally so

Absolutely yeah very cool how are we doing any complaints with sound

No not really

Not really

Not real

There's always one guy that says he can't hear [cross-talk]

There's always one dude [cross-talk]

We're good so far

We're good so far good if there is anything wrong with the stream feel free to let us know in chat [cross-talk]

Its Peter's fault


Yes that's true good point okay so some interesting development however is we are in the process of doing a complete overhaul of the website


Which is in dire need of a complete overhaul [cross-talk]

Yep it's needed for sometime now everyone [cross-talk]

Yes so so we've launched the first stage of that overhaul and that's the landing page the front page we have completely revamped the front page it is not totally mobile-friendly right now because we haven't done that part of it yet but you'll see that the front page has had a completely redo in its look it has a new video there which is demonstrating some of the mushrooms

Yeah yeah

So I was saying [cross-talk]

You're talking about

The mushroom we're not going to be an MMORPG we're gonna be a [cross-talk] mushroom multiplayer online yes [laughter]

Everybody is now a mushroom class

Yes exactly

Massively mushroom

Massively mushroom

Massively mushroom

Good call good call so you'll see that that that site is there additionally we are launching within the next hour or two tops the merchandise


That was a limited quantity from PAX that was present there there's a couple sweatshirts a couple shirts you guys have seen it we showed it to before we went to PAX but it will be available for purchase on the store in approximately two hours roughly


Peter and Mark are working on that right now so look out for that and last but not least we have a new blog posted on a building the City Hall

Yeah this is an extension of our social buildings kind of series and the City Hall is the next part of that



So actually we can talk a little a little bit about the city hall even though so it's important to note in alpha zero we won't have these mechanisms functioning with regards to the buildings and specific communities and stuff like that it's more about propagating those different stages and

Yep making sure all these these [cross-talk]

Exactly [cross-talk]

Base steps [cross-talk] are ready to go

Collecting experience and that kind of stuff but the City Hall is is really the focal point of every node every city that's where all the major decisions get made that is the building in which the powers-that-be influence the world and their City and their citizens and some of the things that we were talking about with regards to the City Hall is the ability to to create relationships whether they be adversarial or alliances between other nodes and that's where it's done is at the city hall


So some of the things that are at the hands of the mayor or leadership to do is create trade agreements create treaties mutual defense pacts declare war

Uh-huh right

Announce outlaws potentially of other of other nodes you have citizens of other nodes and then one big important thing is collecting taxes and where those taxes go to

Yep and and all that determines kind of like how the node grows how big it can grow what kinds of things kinds of cultures kind of developed there and all that kind of comes through the taxation system and then the leadership that is kind of managing that

Right absolutely so I know we've discussed a little bit in the past is that our nodes have four separate types of government that reflect the four different types of nodes that exist right you have military you have economic you have religious and you have scientific and each of them house their own specific benefits and booms and levers that mayors and leadership can kind of play with in the development of that city so to speak now all of those tools are found at the city hall but something that we were discussing yesterday with regards to how we're revamping the website is building those levers into specifically a character page where you would have

Sort of like a feed of all that stuff that's happening in your node like if you are the mayor of a city right you'll get a good big readout on what your economy is doing what votes are scheduled what what the status of your trade agreements are doing what your caravans are doing to give you kind of like a way to sort of interact with the game and see what's going on even if you can't log in that particular day

Absolutely and another thing that it's on our roadmap for integration on the website is on mobile as well you're not at your computer that there will be in Ashes of Creation a mobile app that will allow you to control crop rotations and you need be to control your kiosks if you're selling things in our citizen and controller kiosk if you're a mayor to have access to those two mayoral duties that are required pay taxes that may be required even potentially go fishing [laughter] and a huge one a huge one that I think is going to be fun is last last blog we spoke about the mighty beard and the tavern environment well one of the the core identities of a tavern that came to fruition during our crowdsourcing was those tavern games


Right and it's gonna one thing with love to see in the mobile applications is the ability to just be in a Tavern in your node and have your to have your Tavern game interface open


A player comes and sit downs and you play


Let's play a little bit of cards here you know and I don't even have to be in the game to do it I can still socialize with other players kind of just be at the convenience of my phone absolutely

And that and that makes the the population of those taverns more sustainable they're not purely dependent on the in-game presence you can also have people who are you know God forbid at work [laughter] or you know just out and about and about and they have that access there


You know to just log in and play a quick parlor game with somebody

Yeah I mean these these these games are big games right they're always moving they're always something's happening even when you're not logged in and being able to kind of you know still participate in a way without being forced to be at your computer to do that we think is a good thing it helps you to to interact sort of like at your leisure

Absolutely now it's important to note however that this is not scope creep at all right this is all we we this was an intent and design theory before even going to Kickstarter was this mobile application and we would have hooked into certain systems

It's all data at the end of the day and once once we get control of those things then you'll start seeing that stuff come out and that's one of the things that we were talking about with the website we will hopefully start to see some of these things come


Maybe not in the near near future but it

Well we have a roadmap obviously that's going to meet with different testing phases and eventually live launch and some of these systems such as you know specifically we're talking about the most immediate need of a system is going to be the account overview system which will show you the packages that you own the keys that have been applied to your account what testing periods you have access to downloading the patcher and launcher cosmetics that you own those types of things that account overview needs to be very precise that that's one of our chief priorities

Yes right now

But specifically that like character page though you know that would be closer to live launch yep where you'll be able to see what your character looks like what their achievements are in the game what they've done you know been the first on their server to do you know what their class and those things are all manageable by the player what you want to show and what you don't want to show


Right you know we don't necessarily want to just say you know here is everything without you having a voice in what you're sharing [cross=talk]

Right right

So yeah that's some some cool stuff we have planned on the roadmap for the website and you can get a taste of the redesign from an aesthetic standpoint if you go visit take a look at the front page how it's been redone and you'll get an idea for what the rest of the site is going to look like



So yeah so enjoy that let's get to some questions Oh actually you know we also have some work-in-progress images that we can show perhaps while we're delving into questions or do we want to describe what we're seeing let's describe we're seeing actually let's just take a look at some of these things okay here we go so this is some clothing that is prepared by Keith Kovach one of our character senior character artists so that's uh that's the civilian clothing that you will enter the alpha zero in right

As you as you step through the portal this is what your characters are equiped with

Yes so different pieces of clothing

Colors textures may change

Yes absolutely pretty cool so you're gonna have to find your in alpha zero just like in the game you're gonna have to either you know find your your armor craft your armor buy your arm or trade your armor

Quest for your arm

Exactly quest for your armor those type of things what do we have here this looks to be Py'Rai concept images some concept sketches by Jeff Deliere [Laughter] yeah that's

This guy's on my favorites

This guy is a cat model this is like a great cat model isn't this for this is an alpha zero in the flood plains region

Right yes

Yeah pretty cool little dude this is an update on the entrance divine gateway in alpha zero this is a a Py'Rain ruin yeah but this is the root race of the Empyrean

So you've seen you've seen the other portals right like the other big portal that's that's the Aelar

Which one the Aeylin

Yeah one is the big big portal that you've always seen and then that's the sort of elvish version of it

Right this is uh this is a work in progress view in in the level of some of these

Sort of ancient ruins

These ruined Py'Rain buildings and then you see the influx of some of the camp assets present from the Empyreans coming into this area so that's kind of where you start out now the size of this zone is we've said before it's four kilometers by four kilometers but just to give a reference wasn't the Skyrim ten kilometers by ten kilometers that entire mapĀ ?

Couldn't tell you

I'm pretty sure

I think was bigger than that but I'm not sure

Yeah I thought it was 10 kilometers by 10 kilometers

I don't know

I don't know but so I guess that really doesn't give you a reference

It's really big though

Somebody double-check that [laughter]

It's really big

It is pretty big it's pretty it's a pretty big environment and there's a lot of stuff to do there's some Easter eggs for those of you participating there may or may not be a pair of sandals if found will grant you some major boon or benefit I don't know

I couldn't tell you what it is?

Right yeah

I I've never seen any sandals in the game I don't know you're talking about [cross-talk]

Well there's somewhere maybe you might need a utility skill to find them

Maybe if it exists

This is a Javier working on some of the dungeon dungeons that will be present are three dungeons present not including the underrealm in alpha zero beautiful I I wish we had some of his texture maps show those are really unbelievable he does a great job with those and I love this the lighting that's that's present in these underground kind of areas


Yeah and it's kind of cool because seeing it in motion is even better than seeing these screenshots

Right yeah absolutely so those three dungeons interesting note is that as we've discussed this before one of the primary mechanics obviously in the game is the node system as this node as the nodes develop the populations within these certain points of interest change and adapt to the development of the zone so content becomes more difficult perhaps different I mean different content altogether depending on what gets developed

And new stories become available


And the world will change and develop a little bit as people are playing through it

Absolutely attracting different types of antagonists with different you know as you said storylines is a big big part of it which is cool some more of the dungeon work you find they're very cool I love I also loved the the glow the bio the bioluminescence in the plants giving that extra lighting to the environment it is such a cool interaction between light and the materials which I love yeah here we go here's some of the texture mapping on yeah that Javier has been working on

Javier is a wizard

Yes okay here we go what is this this is the Nick Nikuan Nikuan let's see concept looks like concept images so these would be different styles I think he's done four separate classes here kind of demonstrate these guys so these are the the kind of beach dwelling dwarves


Yeah love these guys

They've forsaken their their mountains for beach life

Some of them we've shown last time I think like this one maybe yeah I think so this is a large mushroom forest that we showed before some more texture mapping okay cool let's get to some some questions so that's just some updates working progress stuff stuff's really starting to hit the fan right now as we're getting closer let me pull up

It's always nice to come to these and see these things because I get into the real world so infrequently I spend most of my time testing and then shooting

Looking at a little gray square [cross-talk]

Yeah gray Maps in the world to measure things and so it's always nice to you know walk by over someone's shoulder to see everything put together in a stream like this because

Absolutely no it is

It's looking so good


It is looking good we'll start with the website the forums so let us go to the thread that was started by our awesome mister Shunex and we'll pull up a first question okay question from Tyler can we have the option to play the game with a controller or gamepad?

Probably not out of the box


There are ways that you could probably map your own controller to do it but you know we've got lots of hotkeys and so getting all those hotkeys mapped to controller elegantly

In a way that is actually functional yeah I mean that would that would definitely be a challenge it's probably doable I'm sure people will do it I mean unreal has joystick control out of the box so it's not terribly difficult for us to integrate with that stuff but again the game's not really designed around that so so you might have some trouble

Yeah it's one of those design decisions you have to make fairly early in the process if you're gonna go with controller support or not

And I will say this the thing that controllers have going for them is the fact that Unreal Engine 4 does out-of-the-box have some hooks you know built-in for that support


But obviously as you said it is a design decision that has to be made early on otherwise it's gonna be kind of difficult to get that set up but it's not impossible right now good question Valorin Valerian sorry will there be gear sets either by craft or dropped in dungeons that will either enhance or provide a different power to players when equipped also will gear level with player level say you like a particular gear set but that gear set is only for level 20 and you level your character to 50 is there a way to increase that gear set to your level? so first there will absolutely be gear sets sets that offer different bonuses depending on how many pieces of the set you have equipped


Additionally there will be specific passes that players can spec into to become more adept with certain set types



As well as potentially community based rewards for wearing certain set types based on the progression of that community so to say like if you have a uniform costume from the thieves guild by progressing far enough in its ranks that will give you a set bonus paired with certain set types

Right while you're wearing it

Exactly why you're wearing it the second part of that question will gear level with player level so not the particular set but there will be different tiers of sets as you level that apply to certain level tiers


Right that you will gain access to as you level so



I was gonna say also because we're gonna have cosmetic slots right we you can always well maybe not always but take some of those appearances and use them to you know say you've got a sword that you really like you can use that that swords appearance all the way up if that's what you want to do

Right absolutely

I wonder if part of the concern there is breaking sets you know you get like an awesome set bonus and you level up and you want to keep your awesome set bonus like and I know I've seen games handle that in different ways so it's something we probably talk about right like how you get a set bonus so you can turn it into gems right and you can take the gems and slot them in your upgraded equipment that's not a promise but you know there's there ways if we need to there ways to kind of handle that kind of moving your set bonuses around but there's also some power and and leaving those set bonuses at certain levels and like if you want the level 30 version you have to go and get the level 30 version for [cross-talk]

It it's definitely easier probably I mean it's it's gonna be easier to balance those set bonuses if they're housed within certain tiers absolutely


And then depending I mean with player customization for set bonuses as designers you guys are cognizant of the fact that balance becomes an issue the more control over those things that players have to move those around because there's a becomes almost an infinite possiblity [cross-talk]

Number of variations

Yeah yeah it's it's one of the great things about builds and one of the bad things about builds this is you give a players a lot of freedom but at the same time you have to really kind of stretch your brain to kind of get your hand around you know the balance problem

Mm-hmm absolutely okay let's see here the next question from Fing Fiang can you show can you show us the summoner archetype or tell us anything about it we can and we can but that will likely be after I would say probably Januaryish when we begin our in-depth look to the archetypes because around that time we're going to start releasing blogs that gives some overviews over the arc types and we have made the promise that we'll be releasing our class list of 64 names before December 15th so you know we're gonna set the stage for how those combinations work and then we'll go in depth on each archetype and the summoner will be part of that come January and after

I heard Stephen say earlier all 64 classes are paladin


Nice [laughter]

I don't I didn't say that did I say that? That was Peter Peter said that okay Elderus what are you preparing for role play usable decoration such as chairs and tables?


Yes I mean I me personally I wouldn't say that I'm a big role player but I enjoy role-playing in MMOs and I have done it in the past

And there's a recording there [cross-talk]

And there may or may not be one or two or three or four recordings but one of the cool things that I think is I don't want to describe as a time sink but just something that is enjoyable and does take time is kind of building out your home building out your your freehold

Yeah decorating and making it yours


It's important

Yeah and not to mention you know because we're allowing player owned establishments as well there's going to be a lot of customization from an RP standpoint of building out those taverns

And just to get people attracted to it you want to make the coolest looking tavern you know on the block so

Yeah and I've seen when you give people tools like that they just make amazing stuff

It's true it's really true

The more flexibility we give you guys the more amazing stuff that you'll make and right you know you want to show it to your friends your friends will play right that's what we want

And it adds to I mean it adds to the environment

Oh yeah

You know and even if you're not a role player like that adds to your immersion right

You take some pride in your ownership

Yes okay so next question by Mitchiebaby will players be able to teach certain skills to others ie Star Wars Galaxies


No probably not

Not skills

Not in the way that I think you're thinking about them



So there you go

Yeah it's it's more of like an internal development

Jeff the destroyer of Dreams


God god

I apologize don't want to be the destroyer

Since this wasn't mentioned last stream I would like to inquire again will alpha zero be playable only in DirectX 12 or perhaps a DirectX 11 and DirectX 9 as well? I believe 11 is what

Eleven maybe


Not 9 for sure

11 probably [cross-talk]

11 probably and 12 more likely very good

You just keep in mind that A0 is is in alpha so we haven't done a lot of optimization there's not a lot of options available so so that there's a little bit more restriction on what kind of machine is gonna run it then at launch

There you go Tuk-tuk on twitch how many players are you estimating being an alpha and beta testing how many servers will be acquired by then reason being a lot of alpha beta games get bad rep due to excess server load so we don't have any concerns with regard to server capacity there there is currently scheduled over 27,000 participants in beta


And I believe we're at just over 10,000 in the alphas but I expect that number to grow as we will be very soon launching our presale our pre-order packages which will include access to alphas and betas so we will we will try to get that number up because for us it is important


That it is as high as possible

And also keep in mind this is something that we will slowly open the gates to when we get to those plants it won't be 10,000 people on alpha 1 on day 1 right but eventually over time we'll get to that point


T-Elf if you do drive by heals or buffs and you are green and the person receiving the heals our buffs is not in combat but purple that doesn't well that if they weren't if they were purple they would be considered in combat well that turn you from green to purple if you do anything that interacts with a purple player whether it be buff heal attack anything that interacts with them from a skill standpoint you yourself will be flagged for combat which is turning purple

Yeah the NBC add you to its hate list if you heal someone that it hates



Yeah that's it yeah so with regard to PvE you know the same logic applies [cross-talk] if you if you interact with a player in PvE as well you are being placed on the hate table if it's an aid

Yeah because at that point you're choosing sides yes

Mikkela will you be giving the Alpha zero testers a guideline or checklist of what you'd like to be tested certain local character creation logging in question with? absolutely one we have a lot of tools on our end that we will be out watching but in addition there are specific things that we would like players who are participating in these alphas and betas to do yeah to assist us in in just learning

What we'll be sending out an informative email that will kind of let you guys know kind of broad strokes so we're looking for and then we may come on server if we need it and talk people individually and or as a server to go try something

Right I think I think right now our schedule which you will receive this an email but our schedule is Friday Saturday and Sunday and we're running four concurrent servers at two different time periods each day right so something to know okay from Decimus there were some cool things in the earlier Kickstarter pre-alpha videos such as a mage levitation ability that Stephan used to go over town walls with [laughter] thanks Decimus also rogues and Rangers having parkour was teased early as well so here's a question given the absence of the mage levitation ability in the PAX demo which you should not read into are these movement related abilities something you still plan on implementing and if so can a mage cast spells while in the air [laughter]

I think that was the real question little helicopter

[Garbled] so the answer is with regards to levitation or actually let's just go to PAX what you saw in PAX is nowhere near scratching the surface of what will be available from a skill standpoint when it comes to archetypes in class creation


So I wouldn't read into that at all you know for us we are implementing obviously skills that we want players to be able to use that are that are fun and indicative of the role that an archetype portrays and they they are not what will be the end-all be-all with with skill progression

Right and it sort of matches up with what other players can do too like the the levitation ability is a problematic ability from a stand point where everybody doesn't have everything yet


So you know expect that to make a return sometime later but not now

And not necessarily how it was seen where you can just fly with it right the levitation ability is more intended to be a glide so to speak and I believe the original interpretation of that was that it gave you a sort of mana shield so if you took damage during that time it would quickly eat your mana up and you needed the mana to actually levitate



Yeah so it's not as OP as it looked Chewedyou will we summon our mounts or need to pick them up from stables? both you'll need them from animal husbandry slash stables an item and then you'll utilize the item to summon the creature so to speak and then you'll you can desummon the creature back as an item to your inventory

You don't want to have to go back to the stable when you go into a dungeon


Leave your horse outside the dungeon

Right but initially [cross-talk]

Pocket horse

But initially pocket horse you will need to claim the mount as an offspring so to speak from an animal husbandry profession which utilizes stable/husbandry stalls or whatever Mr. Val Raven I know you said one question but my girlfriend has two questions nice will there we will there be a way to turn off blood and gore?

Probably because there are some locales that [cross-talk]

If we want to release in Australia [cross-talk]

Are unfriendly for it so there will probably be by what we need to do is some way to turn it off

Right we could probably tag effects that our blood and gore as being blood and gore and then override those effects showing or have an option where players kind of right?


Yeah will there be modest sets of gear right from the start and not found in the cash shop? I don't know if that means modest are we talking like Puritan modest or?


Yeah I don't know that means we're gonna skip it sorry we'll do it live okay now for my number one question okay wow so three questions do you know when you will be adding new packs bundles to the store with or and will the lifetime memberships be returning? lifetime memberships will not be returning but new packages and they're not packages they will be there'll be pre-order items that you can purchase that will give access to alpha 1 2 beta 1 2

And some other stuff

And some other stuff yeah cosmetic stuff Robert Matthews will players gear be lootable and open world PvP if killed? only if that player is corrupt meaning if the player has killed other players and they've gained a corruption score which turns their name red they will have the opportunity to drop items not just resources and gatherables but gear and weapons

And the higher their corruption the bigger chance that [cross-talk]


Yeah absolutely

Which means that not everyone like if you are in a let's say consensual guild battle right that's different from corruption so keep that in mind [cross-talk]

Right so the corruption is only yeah corruption is only gained through the flagging system flagging system is only used in non battleground non organized PvP meaning you know sieges on castle sieges on nodes caravans Guild Wars those types of things don't utilize the flagging system in those systems you are considered either an attacker or defender which does not have any ramifications from a flagging standpoint and I know there can be some confusion on that Bochy will the nodes placement be completely the same in alpha and beta as launch or will be switched up a little to keep exploration alive during the early alpha phases and release? so node placement in my opinion doesn't affect exploration because exploration really has to do with discovering what's in the world and nodes are have a relationship with that yes because nodes will dictate how those things manifest in the world such as a POI having different populations or different monsters stuff like that but for us in it from a development standpoint we're going to have node locations fairly set

Which they have to be

Which they have to be

Um yeah there's otherwise we'd almost have to remake the game once we get to launch


Which would be you wouldn't like that because [cross-talk]

Everything will different after alpha zero



Oh yeah

Alpha zero is an exception

Yeah the so the Alpha zero process is a number of internal tests that we are inviting others to participate in which really are stand separate from the alpha-1 2 phases betas phases right because this is a very controlled zone not the world in general which alpha 1 & 2 will see a broader who almost see the entire world if not a very broad portion of


That is what we consider the game alpha


So to speak

And also to to that concern too not everything is going to be turned on in alpha and beta there will be things that we will be blocking off that will be preventing you guys from from kind of exploring the extents of just so that we have some special things left for you when we launch

And also I like there to be other way other reasons to explore out in the world aside from just finding the static things in the world right because all that stuff is going to be discovered really quickly right you're all gonna fan out right find everything [cross-talk]

On day one everything's gonna be on a wiki [cross-talk]

Everything's gonna be explored right we want to put things out there that may be dynamic that there's reason to keep go out keep going out and keep exploring and keep finding stuff that might not have been there yesterday and might not be there tomorrow I know I don't want other motivations for exploration than just finding out where the nodes are

Absolutely yeah okay from Evesfocu T4 or Evesfoket what precautions will be taken against cheating exploiting gold sellers bots? So


From day one

Literally from day one so the the you know the sad thing for me not just from a from a corporate monetization standpoint of paying to win but it was a sad experience in MMO gameplay when you as a player were forced to RMT in order to stay competitive with other players and that was a pervasive element of a lot of MMOs that I loved in the past that was really in what I felt was a result of the company's inability to address those issues or putting it at the forefront of their design implementation right


And from day one we have discussed and already have implemented which will be present in alpha 0 actually we're testing those systems anti-cheating anti-botting software just general review of player activity as flags for keeping an eye on what should be normal interactions from the players oh

Yeah and we were working with some really cool people to make all this happen so I I have some really high hopes for the security side of things and it's something that we all came in to I mean we most of us have been in this industry for a while and we know what happens when that those systems breakdown so it was important to us from day one that that those things were in place because you can't put them in later it doesn't work that way once once those tendrils are in it's really tough to get them

And it's funny because when we were speaking with our partners on the security issue they have expressed to us the horror stories of companies large companies large MMO companies that did not take these parameters into account during the creation of the game and came in the final hour saying we're having this problem can you fix it and their responses it would have been a lot easier to fix this if it was a thought on day one so that's why it's been a very important thought for us

All of our architecture all of your server architecture all has that stuff in mind from day one we don't have to retrofit anything

So yes yeah good question EriGail can players interact with environment to dig holes and hide small amounts of loot? No

I think we answered that question

I think we did answer's no sorry EriGail Malgus hi malgus I'm turning 21 oh wait hi malgus here I'm turning 21 this weekend and I would like to ask a question that has not been discussed are we able to form guilds from level one or do we have to wait for a certain node level asking to ... so that's a good question I don't know if I would tie in guild creation to node progression even though a lot of systems are I think generally you would probably find the ability to create notes excusing create guilds within the starting area location because community is important aspect it's a central theme in our game yeah and I don't really see a need for us to necessarily gate that

To gate that


After some but you don't want to have a million guilds on your server one comes in because you want to create some like minimum bar for entry

Right like participants

Participant number of players yes there'll be some check mark so everyone can't just on day one have their own [cross-talk]

Have their own guild

Right agreed

A guild of one

Also Congrats on your 21st birthday

Oh happy birthday

Have a drink for me

Whoa we cannot condone or oh

He was talking about orange juice [laughter]

Just kidding

Orange juice man


Wow oh my god okay Bellicose [cross-talk]

Who said who sent us the pizza?

Oh that was a believe that was Fooshyy

Fooshyy sent an abomination to the studio

I agree


Pineapple should never ever be on pizza



Yep oh there you go


Unanimous decision no pineapple on pizza not to say pineapple's bad I love pineapple but warm and with tomato sauce no thankyou

Grilled pineapple is delicious

By itself

By itself


On its own [cross-talk]

You know what when I eat pineapple though it hurts my tongue sometimes



Never had that problem it's weird

You know you're not supposed to just bite into it [laughter]

Arr I hold it like a Popsicle [cross-talk]



Okay boss will Intrepid be hiring any positions that don't require programmer art experience maybe customer service sales writing or testing positions or perhaps a sandal stylist for Stephen? Wow I love it I just for me everybody

We all wear sandals here we're in Southern California I mean it's cold outside so I mean we say cold its not really [cross-talk]

It's 60 degrees

Okay Intrepid will be hiring positions that do not require programming art experience a customer service for example you know we have we plan to have testing into like internal professional tests yeah and as a matter of fact we're moving studios to a 20,000 square foot studio and we'll be going through several hiring processes especially within the next couple of quarters


So if you have a certain set of expertise and you would like to throw your hat in the ring feel free to keep up to date with our website and when we make those announcements SilentCarnage will I be able to decide the location of equipped weapons or items example having the quiver attaching to my side rather than on my back?

Mmm it's hard man it's hard


Probably not

Probably not we've we've it's hard

That's not to say that we do not have specific joints on the character dedicated to accessory appearances for example I believe on the belt we have dedicated a couple of joints that can be swapped out for scroll casing potions you know sheaths whatever

Yeah there definitely will be some options there but it's everything everywhere can be tough especially when you start getting into bigger meshes animation hates us when we request things like that

The longsword on your back is probably not a big problem putting a two-handed sword on your hip would not work




Okay next question from Rising Demise do we still have the ability to equip any weapon as any class and have both positives and negatives to doing so such as would I be able to as a mage/mage wield a great sword I'm not sure if this is still being done or not?

The answer is yes it is

Still being done

Absolutely okay let me let me skip to the next page because we've just been dedicated to page one

And also discord

Oh and discord okay let me just I'm gonna do I'm gonna go to the back the end of this and ask a few questions from the back okay question from McStackerson in the game info section you mentioned hunting grounds and he puts that in quotes as a battleground what will be considered hunting grounds and how common will they be? okay so contextually I believe he's referring to in the open world as you go out to kill monsters NPCs either a quest or whatever that there will be battlegrounds there? so back when I refer to battlegrounds I'm referring to and I know that I have a different definition [cross-talk]

Stephen always confuses me [cross-talk]

I know I'm so sorry that I have a different definition for a battleground I view a battleground as a place where there is some dynamic occurring that involves player versus player activity and that dynamic can be objective based or it could just be an all-out brawl so I see a guild war being in a sense a battleground because I intend to put open world objectives for Guild Wars that players can participate in and there I see the battleground coming to fruition I see Castle sieges I see node sieges I see caravans those are all what I consider the primary battleground systems in the open world


Now I know that that can sometimes be an oxymoron because a lot of people consider a battleground to be the antithesis of open world it is literally an instance you enter that is a battleground but because you know my desire is to stay away from a heavy instancing I would like for the design that we've come up with to illustrate open-world activity from a battleground point-of-view keeping those same mechanics and objectives in place but just having them present in the open world so that's why I kind of have a differing definition of battlegrounds so yeah that's what I consider to be battlegrounds I guess Areatrois can you save your decorations so when your nodes gets raised when you get a freehold yes



Yes you can

Yeah that's a really important thing for us

Absolutely and again that's important because we intend there to be a degree of change that is happening in the world on a constant basis and we don't want it to be a huge hassle right for you to [cross-talk]

Especially because making your house look awesome can take a long time


Right and there should be no reason you have to do that all over again


And that's that's just tedious at that point

Exactly okay so here we go from Hecknbamboozled in the future is there a chance of seeing dogs in your office during the stream? [laughter] it's funny [cross-talk] because at the new studio we're actually having a dog a little dog park built for us to bring dogs in


Yeah so maybe there will be dogs



Yeah very cool okay last question from the forums and we'll move to discord okay a question from Dracs979 even if we have to crowdfund it as a community can we have an Ashes of Creation TV commercial featuring Terry Crews on the Super Bowl

On the Super Bowl?

I saw him say on the Super Bowl in discord but he didn't put it here that's funny probably not

Hey if you guys-

Wow no


Oh man

I can fight it if you can make [cross-talk]

MMO commercials are so bad

I know oh no

But it doesn't it doesn't it you saw a little new Deadpool commercial right it doesn't have to be you know time to fight the dragon you know

It's time to fight the dragon

It could be something else

That's like millions of dollars just for the slot oh my gosh sorry okay let's

You know what we could do


You can watch the stream during the Super Bowl it'll be like a commercial [cross-talk]

For like 30 seconds yeah

Oh that's a good point that's a good point

But it has to have Terry Crews in it

Ahh do we have a Terry Crews costume somebody could wear? [laughter] okay let's do some discord questions all right from Zara or Zara the Valune Queen self recognized though be careful okay sorry is there an ability to share a castle with an allied guild if you obtain one? so while there will be some features that are capable of being shared with fellow citizens of a region and/or Alliance most features from a castles benef benefiting features will be housed solely to the members of the guild that controls it that's gonna be typically how castle benefits will be shared okay Guildheart eta on alpha keys alpha zero keys from Halloween event hi Jeff he said hi Jeff



That's emanating from Guildheart so emails will go out for alpha zero within the first week of December likely around the 7th and that's when you will get alpha keys to submit in order to download the patcher or launcher as well as the survey with guards to your prioritized time period

Time slots

Timeslots okay let's see here from Goat what's up Goat? will there be and he has three goats on this question and then it's liked with a reaction of a goat and then three goats at the end will there be public transportation between nodes or hunting-grounds not fast travel but scheduled departure times that for example city bus or airship would leave at calling it medium speed travel?

Yeah we've definitely talked about that before that's one of the benefits of the top tier scientific node [cross-talk]

Well the top tier [cross-talk]

If there's multiple

Yeah right well the top tier scientific node actually have oh right you're talking about


Yes so the answer there is yes and it may be more prevalent than just those metropolises [cross-talk]

There'll be different levels of it [cross-talk]

Right the metropolis might have yeah exactly the highest level okay from Fooshy love you all when will we see summoner info? answered that [laughter] how was the pizza? Disgusting and do [laughter] just kidding actually [cross-talk]

I think it got eaten actually


Yeah yeah the studio is divided fairly in the middle


On pineapple

People who are wrong and the people who are right

I think Bacon loves pineapple ham? there you go there you go rockin the pineapple ham do you have any animations to show us Tulnar animations? we have a lot of new animations

Actually yeah I just got like a hundred of them today

Yes a lot of new animations but not Tulnar animations what about baseball hitting clerics they're still knocking them out of the park my friend?

Wow he's on a roll

Will we be able to bathe in Ashes I don't want to be smelly?

Like bathe in Ashes? That's not going to get you clean

Take an ash bath

An ash bath ooh

Like a like a chinchilla

Well will there be bathtubs potentially that could be a house cosmetic


Yeah that you know you get to lay down the bathtub and then you activate it in your character appears in the bathtub but with the water covering everything very soapy water very

Very soapy water stretch goal


Stretch goal

Stretch goal

Stretch goal okay let's see here will there be interactive RP okay so from strategy will it be interactive RP emote such as hugging? yes there will you want to take this one?


No? okay so like there will be agreed-upon emotes that you can initiate with other characters that could be like a little dance they do


A hug or you know something along those lines


Maybe I don't see why not we could have that one when can we buy PAX swag from Hiks? Hiks we can buy PAX swag in the next hour and it's not necessarily PAX swag it's just swag let's see Freducko will we see duck like animals or creatures and Ashes? yeah duck like just be careful yeah could be a flanglger and it could eat you

It could be just like a little duck hanging out at the end yeah like at the end of it [cross-talk]

What walks like a duck and talks like a duck it might be a flangler?

What is your okay Candy what is your favorite color and the color of your eyes? my favorite color is blue my eyes are brown

My favorite color is green my eyes are blue

My favorite color is green and my eyes are brown

There you go look at that okay from Ruko what happened to Peter

Oh I was gonna say something I'm glad I didn't it almost came out and almost came out

Ah Peter

Peter is hard at work right now

Hard at work

Peter say hi


Peter says hello [cross-talk]

I don't know if you can hear

In case you couldn't hear him okay let's see here okay NoShea are there going to be any size limitation on guilds Will a two thousand player guild be possible? no a 2000 player guild will not be possible yes there will be size limitations on guilds that is something that we will test but we have an idea may we have a list of archetypes? may we have a list of archetypes? yes you may have a list of archetypes there is currently a list of archetypes somebody can probably get that for you if you pose that question in the community help desk area but that would be Ranger it would be a tank it would be a fighter it would be rogue it would be mage

Bard mage cleric summoner damn it


Okay here we go so Needletail what is the node stage advancement mechanic does it kick everyone out and load to the next stage? in alpha zero it does not kick everybody out if you are intersecting with collision somewhere it will move you to a safe area nearby

Right yeah and expect that to get more and more polished as time goes on

Yes and then I will do I will run to the bottom and we'll ask two more questions okay here we go question from Panzini will set items be the best and end-game gear or will there be viable item builds with non set items? there will absolutely be viable non set item builds yes because sets are a give and take to to focus in on a specific role that a character's aiming for


Right so like you know oftentimes in different games they'll have things like casting speed fighting attack speed a percentage of bonus to health you know overall power and damage evasion modifier crit modifiers those are some examples of set bonuses that a lot of games use but the give-and-take here is that where we give set bonuses it may take from the hard the core stat bonus from the set itself right?

Right right so for like something hyper specialized it might be really appropriate for something that is a little bit more of a hybrid it might not be so it kind of is about your build and about kind of what you're building toward what one set is really good for for one build might be totally inappropriate for another

It's also kind of what you have access to right


I mean if you get this awesome piece of artifact armor you're probably not going to want to break a set bonus for it no matter how good the set bonus is


Right good call okay last question from well okay we'll just do this one real quick Bourbonvague voice chat confirmed? Voice chat is confirmed and then last question Deidara where do I get a key I'm trying to be an exclusive AOC stream where my dudes? [laughter]

My dudes

You register on the website participate in some events that we have and we have keys for alpha zero that we give out as invitation I'll do one last one okay here we go question from let's see all of that is confirmed [garbled]

The answer to all of those questions is yes [laughter]

Blanket yes!

If you caught all that, all of that is confirmed

I love it okay now here is seriously the last question okay from Cambiguous will raids require gatherers to take full advantage of resources available in raid? I don't quite extend understand

It's probably like you you you kill the big boss and you have to skin them to get the hide off of them [cross-talk]

I see kind of like like a spoil master or something right okay I see you're saying no there's not spoiling so to speak with regards to a gatherer being able to take from a corpse Gathering is is more restricted to the resources that are found in the environment

But with that being said like while you're in raid dungeon like that there will be there will be resources

Absolutely but I remember one game I played Lineage II they had a maestro class which had a spoil ability that it got to cast on a monster and that would give the opportunity for him to receive something from the corpse and that's what I kind of figured he might have been asking okay so those are all the questions guys we are in in hard crunch mode right now for our alpha zero we are working to get everything in place for what we want to learn from this test and we're excited to bring it to you it is a lot of fun here the excitement in the office is is through the roof

Palpable you can cut it with a knife

Absolutely and December 15 it's gonna be a fun time you're going to see a lot of new stuff coming out to give you a look at this alpha 0 environment the world some of the systems the notes that kind of stuff seeing this all come to fruition is very exciting and we appreciate all the support you've given us along the way we cannot wait to bring you more updates more works in progress and just share this experience with everybody


So thank you!

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