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== Freeholds ==
== Freeholds ==
=== Freehold placement ===
{{Freehold placement}}
=== Freehold buildings ===
{{Freehold buildings}}
=== Freehold benefits ===
{{Freehold benefits}}
=== Freehold security ===
{{Freehold security}}
=== Freehold destructibility ===
{{Freehold siege}}
== Sharemarkets ==
== Sharemarkets ==

Revision as of 21:23, 22 October 2017

box warning orange.pngThis page is currently a draft.
Nodes are pre-set locations, wrapped in a zone of influence (ZOI).[1]

Encompassing each server are carefully placed points of development called Nodes. Every node is given purview over a predefined zone of influence (ZOI).[2]

Node benefits

Each node type has a superpower (ultimate ability) that becomes unlocked when the node reaches Metropolis (stage 6).[4]

Node advancement

Citizen and non-citizen player activity (questing, gathering, raiding, etc.) within a node's ZOI counts toward that particular node's advancement (progression) to a higher node stage.[6][7]

The advancement of a node unlocks its unique content, which comes at the cost of locking out an increasing ring of neighboring nodes from progressing to the next stage.[8]

  • Nodes advance to the first stage quickly. This enables NPC services such as vending or banking items.[9]
  • The more advanced the node is, the larger its ZOI becomes.[10]
  • Less advanced nodes (referred to as vassal nodes) that fall within a more advanced node's ZOI can still gain XP, but must remain at a lower advancement stage than the dominant node.[11]
  • Certain quests, such as story arcs, may not be able to be turned in after a node has advanced.[14]
  • The territory expansion algorithm takes into account the nearest coast, neighboring nodes, and the heatmap of players in surrounding areas over the last weeks or month.[15]
    • Due to the way the progression algorithm calculates territorial (ZOI) expansion during node advancement, there is a small possibility that two nodes of the same stage end up being close to each other.[16]
The way that the algorithm expands the territories takes into account a few things: One it takes into account the coast like where's the closest coast. Two it takes into account the neighboring nodes so it can take over and essentially vassal state those nodes, but what's more important is essentially the initial population based on like how players choose their races. Because we have nine different races and four different starting points that branch out, each server's population density is going to dictate essentially the first few nodes that are highly populated and then that initial seed is what's going to determine the node structure as it moves inland into the into the world essentially; and based on the performance and successes of different sieges will determine which nodes that got locked out from the previous the initial advancements what nodes can now be available to advance further. So I really think that with so many variables that are present in the equation of how nodes advance and stay existing with the more variables you have, the higher likelihood there is for there to be a significant diversion in world progression.[15]Steven Sharif
Normally the algorithm that's applied to the node territorial expansion will prevent significant nodes from being in close proximity to each other... There could be a perfect storm where all of the algorithmic progression of territory leads to having these nodes very close to each other because there's certain requirements that should that need to be available to satisfy node vassal takeovers; and it's possible that two nodes would never take each other over as vassals and end up close together and spanning their territories in opposite directions: The Tale of Two Cities thing.[16]Steven Sharif
  • A node does not receive XP from the nodes within its ZOI until these nodes have reached their cap.[11]
  • Citizens of one node can contribute to the advancement of other nodes.[17]
  • Node experience gain opportunities will be equitable across the four node types.[18]
    • The exact percentage of advancement from obtaining items or killing monsters is not going to be explicitly known to avoid "gaming" the system.[19]
Different people have different resources invested in nodes progressing and it would be a little "gamey" if you could know exactly what was necessary at that point because that would disincentivize people from participating.[19]Steven Sharif

Node advancement spawns a series of animations and visual effects (within the footprint of the node).[20][6]

  • Players within the node are teleported to a safe location, likely a respawn area near the node.[20][21]
  • Supplies will spawn around the node and system driven caravans are spawned to bring these supplies into the node. These caravans are not able to be attacked.[20]
  • NPCs will begin construction activities.[20]
  • Players outside the node will see the new facade of the node pop into existence as the node advances in stage.[20]
The Development Area of a Node is where civilization will appear as the Node advances. As the Node Stage increases, different buildings, NPCs, and services will become available in the Development Area. The higher the Node Stage, the more complex and populated the Development Area becomes. Development Areas will also vary depending on the Node Type - Economic, Military, Scientific, or Divine.[6]Margaret Krohn

Node development

Racial architecture of the same Village (stage 3) node on different servers. Dünir Dwarven influence (top). Kaelar Human influence (bottom). Alpha-1 Non-NDA screenshot.

The layout and architecture within a Node’s development area are determined by influential race. For example, a stage 3 Node with the majority of player contribution being Py'rai would have a Py'rai village with Py'rai architecture. Most NPCs would be Py'rai elves, and offer questlines within the Py'rai narrative.[22]Margaret Krohn

Each player’s contributed experience is flagged with their character race and other identifiers. When a Node advances, the race with the highest experience contribution determines the Node’s style and culture. This style and culture change can happen at every Node Stage. For example, if a Node advances to Level 2 - Encampment Stage and 51% of all experience was earned by Ren’Kai players, the Node will be a Level 2 Ren’Kai Node. If that same Node advances to a Level 3 - Village Stage Node, but the Py'Rai contributed 62% of all the experience earned, then the Node will be a Level 3 Py'Rai Node.[6]Margaret Krohn

Node layout and style is determined by several factors:[23][24]

The way that the node system is built is that they can exist across a spread of 18 biomes, but at the same time have to represent the cultural influence of these cultures that are intrinsically a part of a specific biome.[25]Steven Sharif
Currently the way that the platform system is set up, is it's capable of adjusting the topography of the node's footprint, regardless of the surrounding terrain. So the reason for that is we want to have flexibility in the presentation of the node's layout and how it is essentially both from an aesthetic standpoint as well as a mechanical standpoint with node sieges- how it's constructed and that construction should have the ability to take on a variance of different types of topography. So it shouldn't be dependent on the surrounding area. Now that's not to say that the surrounding area isn't going to have some influence over. So for example... we're experimenting a little bit with the platform tech and putting up a node up against the side of a mountain or on the edge of a cliff or something that has a beautiful vista. Those are things that we're going to test out obviously as we continue to work on the node tool and how that platform system works, but the idea is to have the node independent of the surrounding terrain.[26]Steven Sharif
Some parts are determined by the area it's in. Some parts are determined by the type it is. Some parts are determined by the race it is; and then the rest of it is determined by the mayor.[24]Jeffrey Bard
All nodes, whether they're associated with a castle or associated with normal node structure, has cultural influences that replicate over to the buildings that are produced and the NPCs that are present.[32]Steven Sharif
  • The rest is determined by the node's mayor.[24]
    • It should be possible for a node to complete several building projects within a mayor's one month term in office.[33]
Q: How long would you say it will take players on average to fill/build up a node completely from wilderness to metropolis?
A: It's one thing to get a node to a certain level: it's another thing to develop the node; and I can't really give you an on-average expectation, because there's a lot of variables at play. There's how many citizens does the node have attracted to it; what's the type of traffic that the node is attracting to it based on things like its tax rates, or the specialization that it chose to spec into, based on the building types it's chosen to build. All of those things are variables that can affect the quote-unquote "average build-out time" of a particular node. So it's difficult to give you an average when there's so many variables along those lines. But the idea is that if there is a particular project that players are interested in in developing based on the node stage, that they would have the ability to complete several of those projects as within a single term of a mayor; and a term of a mayor is one month.[33]Steven Sharif

Node government

Alpha-1 winner of Mayoral election.[34]

There are a number of different seats that can exist within a node, and carry different responsibilities.[35]Steven Sharif

Positions within a node's government are attained through seasonal titles that grant special powers and benefits within the node.[36][35][37][38]

There are other node-based positions. Most of them relate to social organizational structures like the temple and the social organization building that the node might construct. Those are ladder systems of achievement that players can work through on a seasonal basis to achieve the highest level of that for the particular node; and by doing so they will then have titles bestowed upon them, which grants certain types of powers and benefits.[36]Steven Sharif

Node housing

Static housing provides non-instanced player accommodation within a node, also known as in-node housing.[10]

Node apartments

Apartments provide instanced player housing functionality on a rental basis.[46][10]

  • Village (stage 3) apartment buildings offer 50 rental apartments. Additional apartments can be added at Town (stage 4) if the mayor chooses to construct them and if there is an available plot for the expansion. This includes different types of apartments, such as penthouses.[47][48][46][42][10]
  • The number and sizes of available apartments increases as a normal part of node advancement.[46][43]
  • It is estimated that the number of apartments available in a Metropolis (stage 6) node will be in the hundreds, if that node specs into all apartment expansion upgrades. This number is subject to change based on testing.[46]
  • Prices for apartments will fluctuate depending on the number of units already sold in the node.[10]
  • Different price points offer different apartment sizes and types, such as penthouses.[48][10]
  • It was previously stated that apartments would be available at Town (stage 4) or above.[10]
The mayor may additionally construct apartment buildings when the node hits stage 4 at one of the building plots in the node, along with cities gaining additional static housing and apartments by default as a normal part of the leveling process.[43]Steven Sharif


Freehold in Alpha-1.[49]

Three main purposes that freeholds provide are allowing players an opportunity to express themselves in a highly customizable fashion. So these are plots of lands that you have access to. You can build different types of buildings on. You can create housing and place furniture; and you can grow livestock and you can just own this piece of land. And one unique thing about allowing the players express themselves through this manner in Ashes of Creation is that it's in the open-world, so it's not an instance or a phase location that you are customizing. You're actually leaving a mark on the world that's representative of you as a player, as a character. Something you can you can roleplay. But importantly enough, when it comes to the economy, freeholds also provide the highest level of processing that's available; and processing is one of three primary branches that exist within the artisanship system. Processing is the intermediary step between what you gather in the wild and what you eventually craft via recipes. The the other primary purpose of freeholds is that they allow you to offer certain types of business services, because we don't just want to make freeholds delegated to the individual owner. We want it to have capabilities to interact with other players as they're walking past your freehold- as they're going to these hunting grounds and participating in quests or events that might be existing around; and that means that location matters for the freehold, because it's important to the business.[50]Steven Sharif

Alpha-2 freehold walkthrough.[51]

We got some sheep; we got some cows and pigs; and we got some chickens back there; and we have a lot of space for different farmables. So we have a wheat here, corn, and then tomatoes over there as well.[51]John Collins

Freeholds are sizable player housing plots that can be situated in baronies within the Zone of influence (ZOI) of a Village (stage 3) or higher node, including the ZOI of any of its vassal nodes.[52][53][54][55][56][57][58][10]

The idea is that we're not reserving freeholds for the top 10 percent of levelers, we're reserving freeholds for the top 10 percent across the multiple different play paths that exist within the game; and this spreads out that ownership across different playstyles.[66]Steven Sharif
Housing takes several forms in the world of Verra. However, Freeholds are the highest tier of player housing available. Acquiring a Freehold is a major accomplishment, and it will take a large amount of effort and strategy to get a Freehold of your own. Since there is a limited amount of space available to place Freeholds in each node’s region, these are symbols of prestige for those who are able to acquire and maintain their Freeholds.[52]
  • The developers are expecting the number of freehold plots on each server to be in "the low thousands" depending on world state.[52][72][73][74]
The number of Freeholds on a server will vary on a number of factors, such as how player actions advance nodes. At the moment we are targeting the low thousands for Freeholds on a server, but as we continue to test these systems during Alpha Two, we anticipate making adjustments.[52]
  • Blueprints are required for the construction of the freehold buildings that are used to process resources into crafting materials.[76][77][78][79][80]
    • The best processing can only be carried out on freeholds, so obtaining a freehold will require a large amount of effort.[81]
    If a player wants to achieve a freehold they can achieve the freehold, however the amount of effort resources and time that's required in order to achieve that freehold is a large amount. It is something that is a monumental achievement for you to to get that freehold; and the reason why is because freeholds tie in very heavily to the processing artisanship aspect. Some processing can be done in nodes, but the best processing is done on freeholds; and we want to make sure that there's a little bit of a throttle or gate on the amount of effort that's necessary to achieve that influence over the processing market.[81]Steven Sharif
    Just because the freehold is very difficult to attain doesn't mean that you don't have a space for housing and furniture that you can achieve through our apartment system or an inn or the static in-node housing. Those are alternate methods as well but they do not have that aspect of the best processing is done on the freehold.[76]Steven Sharif
  • Events do not target personal belongings such as freeholds.[83]
  • The spread of corruption in the world does not impact the freehold system.[84]
  • Players are not able to adjust the terrain of their freeholds. Sloped terrain will result in stilts beneath placeable structures (to keep them level).[85]
info-orange.pngSome of the following information has not been recently confirmed by the developers and may not be on the current development roadmap.

Freehold placement

Alpha-2 freehold placement.[60][55]

There'll be a variety of predetermined parcels of land in each node's zone of influence; and once players acquire their freehold permit they'll be able to lay claim to any available parcel in the issuing node's region so- and by region we mean... the total combined territory of a node and all of its vassal nodes. So, if you acquire a freehold permit in the metropolis of a huge region, almost 20% of the map, you'll be able to lay a claim to an available parcel anywhere within that region. So it gives you a lot of freedom if you're able to acquire the permit from a metropolis.[54]John Collins

Freehold plots require a bound deed (permit/certificate) from the parent Village (stage 3) or higher node in order to place the plot.[52][60][55][56][61][58]

That was for a time a lively debate on our design team about whether or not there should be a level gate essentially from even preventing the potential for ownership. The reason why I chose to keep it at level 50 for now is because there are alternate systems that provide access at lower levels through permission setting. So it's one thing to own the home, it's is another thing to access the contents and to continue progression. Let's say, in the processing profession, you might want to gain mastery in: that mastery process leaves the nodes at around level 30 in the leveling experience for a processing profession; and so one of the debates on the design team was whether or not we should reduce the level requirement down to level 30 so that there's a seamless transition from node-based processing progression and the Freehold capability of progression.[62]Steven Sharif
You're going to see a little bit of change and this is one of the first ones: that these are predetermined locations that exist around the node or under its vassal structure that you will have the ability to bid on; and to give you a sense there, this allows us to customize a bit of those predetermined parcels, like a Sherwood Forest type of example.[54]Steven Sharif
  • A deed holder who has won an estate auction may then claim the estate from within a barony in that node's ZOI, including the ZOI of any of its vassal nodes. Placement of the plot is enabled by using the deed item in a player's inventory to get a top-down view of the estate, then selecting the desired location for the plot.[52][88]
    • Players can manipulate the orientation of their freehold plot.[90]
    • Successful placement of a deed gives the player access to their empty freehold plot and shed.[52][91][88]
It'll basically be an item in your bag; and once you get to your parcel, you claim that piece of land and then once it's claimed you'll be able to use the item to go into top-down view and layout actually exactly where your freehold will go on that parcel of land. You'll have a lot of freedom, so a lot that will be going through looking at your whole area of land you now own claim to and then deciding where the best spot to put your freehold in there would be.[88]Kory Rice
  • Collections of freeholds placed in close proximity are still considered part of their parent node and do not become a separate node, other than via roleplay.[99]

Freehold buildings

Freehold building types.[101][55]

After you build your house, you can build other buildings on your Freehold. Each building needs the blueprint to start the process. If you have a cosmetic skin you want to use on a building, this is used after placing the blueprint. Once this has been placed, the building will be shown in a non-functional, construction state. Players will need to provide the required materials needed to complete the building construction, for each building on their Freehold. No Freehold has room for every possible option, so players will need to choose how to develop their Freehold by choosing to build specific artisan buildings, business buildings, and creating room for livestock and crops.[52]

Freehold buildings that can be placed on a freehold plot serve three main purposes.[52][55][102][10][103]

Freehold buildings require blueprints and materials to construct.[52][61]

  • Sheds are present on empty freehold plots to provide storage for materials needed to construct freehold buildings.[91]
  • Some freehold buildings have multiple tiers, with different footprint sizes.[55][70]
  • Upgrading a tier will not change the size of the building in terms of footprint, but may increase in height.[70]
  • Basements in freehold buildings are to be decided.[105]

Freehold taxes are calculated based on the number of permits issued for buildings on a freehold.[52][106][107][75][108]

  • Buildings that require permits will have additional upkeep costs.[52]

Freehold building architecture is based on the blueprint for the building.[55][109]

The way we look at it is the freehold is your space so we want you to be able to make it look the way you want it to.[109]Jeffrey Bard

Freehold benefits

Homestead size dictates how much furniture can be placed on a freehold.[55]

Freeholds offer the following benefits in addition to other player housing benefits.[55]

Freehold security

Freehold owners are able to set permissions that grant access to their artisan and business buildings' services.[52][118][82][119][55]

Freehold ownership is designated by one account only and then the family system is the system that facilitates multiple accounts having permission basis within that freehold.[120]Steven Sharif
  • Freehold permissions are intended to work with the family and guild systems.[52][118][82]
    • It is still not determined if freehold permissions will be able to be granted to individuals outside those social structures.[118]
    • Freehold permissions may only apply to battalions/micro-structures within a guild.[121]
    • Interaction with the guild system will be tested in Alpha-2.[122]
Permissions to help manage your home are handled through affiliations like your Guild and family system. When setting permissions for your Freehold to do things like enter the house, interact with furniture, access Freehold storage, interact with crafting and processing stations, and harvesting gatherables on a Freehold, you can set if your Guild or family members should be able to do these things.[52]

Players cannot steal from a freehold under normal circumstances.[52][125][126][127]

  • Items stored in a freehold become lootable after a successful siege against their parent node.[128][52][127] It has not been decided which players get to loot the debris field during this period.[128]
Only players given permission to do so will be able to do things like access your Freehold storage, and harvest crops and animals on your Freehold. These permissions are capable of being individually assigned per interaction. Note that if the node associated with your Freehold is successfully destroyed during a siege event, attackers will be able to assault Freeholds, and have a chance to pillage them for their resources.[52]

Players cannot PvP while inside the footprint of a freehold homestead even if the doors are unlocked.[52][129] This does not apply for a period of two hours following a successful siege against its parent node.[130][131][6][132]

Your home building is safe from PvP. While on the footprint of your home, you can not be harmed by damage from other players.[52]
  • NPC guards may be available for hire to defend freeholds after a successful node siege.[132] NPC guards that permanently exist on a freehold are not a planned feature.[133]

Freehold destructibility

Template:Freehold siege


Stock exchanges (also called Stock markets and Share markets) enable players to buy and sell shares in Nodes, Guilds and Social organizations.[135][136][137]

info-orange.pngSome of the following information has not been recently confirmed by the developers and may not be on the current development roadmap.
  • There is no regulatory commission to restrict the purchase and sale of stocks.[138]


  1. Node series part I]
  2. A reactive world - Nodes
  3. Blog: Creative Director's Letter
  4. Know Your Nodes: Economic Node Type.
  5. Video, February 29, 2024 (33:57).
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Blog - Know Your Nodes - Advance and Destroy.
  7. A reactive world - Nodes.
  8. Video, April 20, 2017 (0:02).
  9. Npc vending.jpg
  10. 10.00 10.01 10.02 10.03 10.04 10.05 10.06 10.07 10.08 10.09 10.10 10.11 10.12 Node series part II – the Metropolis.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Livestream, October 16, 2017 (50:20).
  12. steven-quote-neighboring-nodes.png
  13. jahlon-steven-vassal-nodes-quote.png
  14. Livestream, February 29, 2024 (53:58).
  15. 15.0 15.1 Interview, July 18, 2020 (10:04).
  16. 16.0 16.1 Interview, July 8, 2020 (1:00:15).
  17. node xp.png
  18. Livestream, September 24, 2021 (1:21:23).
  19. 19.0 19.1 Livestream, May 26, 2017 (28:16).
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 Livestream, October 14, 2022 (55:13).
  21. Livestream, November 17, 2017 (55:27).
  22. Blog - Know Your Nodes - The Basics.
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 Livestream, October 30, 2020 (39:17).
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 Livestream, September 27, 2018 (53:06).
  25. 25.0 25.1 Livestream, February 25, 2022 (41:00).
  26. 26.0 26.1 Livestream, February 26, 2021 (1:12:18).
  27. Livestream, March 31, 2022 (4:57).
  28. Podcast, April 11, 2021 (29:47).
  29. Interview, May 11, 2018 (54:34).
  30. Livestream, May 26, 2017 (21:23).
  31. Podcast, April 11, 2021 (23:36).
  32. 32.0 32.1 Interview, May 11, 2018 (47:27).
  33. 33.0 33.1 Livestream, July 29, 2022 (1:13:09).
  34. Livestream, March 28, 2020 (1:02:46).
  35. 35.0 35.1 Steven Quote2.png
  36. 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 Livestream, September 29, 2023 (1:07:01).
  37. 37.0 37.1 37.2 37.3 Livestream, July 26, 2019 (1:20:48).
  38. MMOGames interview, January 2017
  39. Livestream, November 17, 2017 (9:49).
  40. Livestream, July 25, 2020 (1:52:45).
  41. Video, May 31, 2020 (38:50).
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 42.3 steven-housing-numbers.png
  43. 43.0 43.1 43.2 Steven Sharif - Clarification points from today’s stream.
  44. Livestream, May 19, 2017 (33:57).
  45. Interview, July 8, 2020 (33:34).
  46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.3 Interview, July 9, 2023 (1:50:50).
  47. Blog: Development Update with Village Node.
  48. 48.0 48.1 Livestream, August 31, 2023 (15:51).
  49. Livestream, May 29, 2020 (36:29).
  50. Livestream, June 30, 2023 (9:09).
  51. 51.0 51.1 Video, June 30, 2023 (5:41).
  52. 52.00 52.01 52.02 52.03 52.04 52.05 52.06 52.07 52.08 52.09 52.10 52.11 52.12 52.13 52.14 52.15 52.16 52.17 52.18 52.19 52.20 52.21 52.22 52.23 52.24 52.25 52.26 52.27 52.28 Blog: Exploring the Boundless Opportunities of Freeholds.
  53. 53.0 53.1 53.2 53.3 Livestream, June 30, 2023 (1:12:07).
  54. 54.0 54.1 54.2 54.3 54.4 54.5 54.6 54.7 Livestream, June 30, 2023 (14:09).
  55. 55.00 55.01 55.02 55.03 55.04 55.05 55.06 55.07 55.08 55.09 55.10 55.11 55.12 55.13 55.14 55.15 55.16 55.17 55.18 55.19 Development Update with Freehold Preview.
  56. 56.0 56.1 56.2 56.3 56.4 56.5 Video, June 30, 2023 (21:22).
  57. 57.0 57.1 Livestream, April 29, 2022 (1:03:44).
  58. 58.0 58.1 58.2 58.3 58.4 58.5 58.6 58.7 58.8 Livestream, May 19, 2017 (32:23).
  59. 59.0 59.1 59.2 Livestream, June 30, 2023 (1:15:34).
  60. 60.0 60.1 60.2 60.3 Livestream, June 30, 2023 (13:10).
  61. 61.0 61.1 61.2 61.3 stevenclarification.png
  62. 62.0 62.1 62.2 Podcast, July 15, 2023 (11:21).
  63. 63.0 63.1 steven-freehold-quest-level.png
  64. steven-freehold-quest.png
  65. steven-freehold-sales.png
  66. 66.0 66.1 66.2 Podcast, July 15, 2023 (15:14).
  67. steven-estate-auction-currency.png
  68. 68.0 68.1 Interview, July 9, 2023 (19:56).
  69. Interview, May 11, 2018 (50:47).
  70. 70.0 70.1 70.2 Interview, July 8, 2020 (45:23).
  71. 71.0 71.1 Livestream, October 16, 2017 (56:42).
  72. steven-freeholds-per-server.png
  73. 73.0 73.1 steven-freeholds.png
  74. Livestream, June 30, 2023 (30:21).
  75. 75.0 75.1 75.2 Livestream, June 30, 2023 (1:45:22).
  76. 76.0 76.1 76.2 Livestream, June 30, 2022 (1:09:29).
  77. Livestream, February 25, 2022 (1:12:27).
  78. Podcast, April 11, 2021 (40:20).
  79. Interview, March 27, 2020 (9:00).
  80. Livestream, May 5, 2017 (34:15).
  81. 81.0 81.1 Livestream, June 30, 2022 (1:08:02).
  82. 82.0 82.1 82.2 Livestream, June 30, 2023 (26:23).
  83. Livestream, April 7, 2023 (37:56).
  84. Interview, July 9, 2023 (49:48).
  85. Livestream, January 31, 2024 (1:24:57).
  86. 86.0 86.1 steven-lords-quest.png
  87. 87.0 87.1 Livestream, July 28, 2023 (1:33:58).
  88. 88.0 88.1 88.2 88.3 88.4 Livestream, June 30, 2023 (16:14).
  89. steven-permits.png
  90. Livestream, June 30, 2023 (1:36:52).
  91. 91.0 91.1 Livestream, June 30, 2023 (18:45).
  92. 92.0 92.1 92.2 92.3 Interview, July 9, 2023 (29:53).
  93. Livestream, June 26, 2020 (1:52:33).
  94. Livestream, May 9, 2018 (40:24).
  95. steven-freehold-distance-confusion.png
  96. 96.0 96.1 Interview, July 9, 2023 (32:53).
  97. steven-freehold-distance.png
  98. Freeholds.png
  99. Livestream, May 26, 2017 (34:21).
  100. steven-guild-hall-barony.png
  101. Livestream, June 30, 2023 (12:11).
  102. 102.0 102.1 102.2 Livestream, April 7, 2023 (31:49).
  103. Livestream, May 24, 2017 (9:58).
  104. Video, June 30, 2023 (15:34).
  105. Livestream, June 28, 2019 (1:09:22).
  106. steven-freehold-building-permits.png
  107. Interview, July 9, 2023 (54:46).
  108. Tax spending.png
  109. 109.0 109.1 109.2 109.3 Livestream, August 28, 2020 (2:14:06).
  110. Livestream, June 30, 2023 (22:05).
  111. 111.0 111.1 Livestream, November 30, 2020 (57:50).
  112. 112.0 112.1 cosmetic-levels.png
  113. Livestream, May 26, 2017 (44:11).
  114. steven-freehold-businesses.png
  115. Freehold buildings.png
  116. 116.0 116.1 Livestream, June 30, 2023 (33:26).
  117. steven-best-gathering.png
  118. 118.0 118.1 118.2 Interview, July 9, 2023 (53:08).
  119. Interview, May 11, 2018 (28:21).
  120. Livestream, June 30, 2023 (1:24:16).
  121. Screenshot 20230725-163146 Discord.jpg
  122. steven-guild-freehold-permissions.png
  123. Livestream, April 30, 2021 (1:12:33).
  124. Livestream, June 26, 2020 (51:58).
  125. steven-stealing-from-freeholds.png
  126. Livestream, June 30, 2023 (1:19:01).
  127. 127.0 127.1 Livestream, May 17, 2017 (1:03:23).
  128. 128.0 128.1 Livestream, July 28, 2023 (1:26:16).
  129. Livestream, June 30, 2023 (1:49:00).
  130. Livestream, November 19, 2021 (54:26).
  131. Livestream, August 28, 2020 (2:04:00).
  132. 132.0 132.1 Livestream, May 19, 2017 (28:04).
  133. Livestream, January 18, 2018 (31:05).
  134. Livestream, December 23, 2021 (1:29:27).
  135. 135.0 135.1 steven-stock-markets.png
  136. 136.0 136.1 Livestream, May 17, 2017 (11:27).
  137. 137.0 137.1 137.2 Stock Exchange.jpg
  138. 138.0 138.1 Interview, October 20, 2018 (5:51).